hello, all:

I design web pages and was wandering if there is a way so that one can show a design or a web-page on any browser, but the html code (or all respective image files, css, etc) can't be viewed or downlaoded from a browser?? I thought maybe thru php one could do that. I believe one can per example have images appear on browser but have it parsed thru php in a way that they couldn't be dragged-copied, or copy pasted into desktop or other application from a browser...

In other words, be able to protect content.

Thanks, appreciate any feedback!

There is no way to hide HTML or JavaScript code from the user, these are client-side scripts and will need to be processed by the client browser, as such the code will need to be sent and can be viewed. The PHP code cannot alter this since it is a server-side script is processed into HTML output before being sent.

If it makes it to the browser, it's in the cache (on the users machine). Everything is accessible to the user by this point. PHP does the same thing that every other server script does, it parses the code from the web server and sends the client HTML and JavaScript. These are the only things that the browser knows how to interpret (except for vbscript, which only works in IE). There is not a way to prevent the user from stealing HTML.

There is no way to hide HTML or JavaScript code from the user, these are client-side scripts and will need to be processed by the client browser, as such the code will need to be sent and can be viewed.

Although that is true, there are still 2 options on the board for hiding all of the client side code with only a small amount of additional code being displayed. That is, Java/Ajax or Flash. All you need to do is first upload your html files to the server into a hidden folder (a folder with a robots.txt hiding it) then setup a Java or Flash applet to view those pages.
So basically you would just be using the Java/Flash applet to view the webpages while the webpages are in an unknown location. I know bits and pieces of flash if you would like me to try and help you with that and just as a note, no page will need any conversion.

Although that is true, there are still 2 options on the board for hiding all of the client side code with only a small amount of additional code being displayed. That is, Java/Ajax or Flash. All you need to do is first upload your html files to the server into a hidden folder (a folder with a robots.txt hiding it) then setup a Java or Flash applet to view those pages.
So basically you would just be using the Java/Flash applet to view the webpages while the webpages are in an unknown location. I know bits and pieces of flash if you would like me to try and help you with that and just as a note, no page will need any conversion.

Yaps it true but u can also use javascript encoding for only static html page for this u should use some page encoding software which encode the page and only user can see encoded code in javascript.

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