hi guys, im building an e-shop website and i have alot of pages there.

Here's how it works...

The client will surf the site, choose the product he wishes to buy and checks on a textbox that says "add to cart". now when he chooses all he wants, he then have to click on a submit button to be submitted to the cart.

now how can i aquire the products he clicked to the cart's homepage

Im familiar with asp.net,javascript,html,css..

Thanks anyway guys.....


Btw im using c# programmin language.

Btw im using c# programmin language.


Use Dataset and store it in the session

If you r familiar with VB code. i can send the code

Mohammed Yousuf uddin
Software Developer

I would be very pleased if you would send the code....thanks alot

I would be very pleased if you would send the code....thanks alot

Hi again

Sorry about the delay!!!

Here is a piece of code: add to your appropriate event.

Public Sub _doStuff()
        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim r As DataRow

        r = ds.Tables(0).NewRow

        With r
            r.Item("col1") = textbox1.text
            r.Item("col2") = textbox2.text
        End With


        'To set Cache data
        Session("myDataset") = ds

    End Sub

Mohammed Yousuf uddin
Software Developer

Thanks Alot.....

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