I just started a site, and would like to make some dummy profiles. The script I'm using included a profile generator that would assign usernames, age and location (city and state) of the "members". The problem I'm having is that the profile generator assigns a city, but not the corresponding state...due to the nature of my site, it is very important that the member's city/state matches up.
If anyone could help me out on this, that would be great...I can post the code (isn't too much; just one page about 400 - 500 lines) if it would help.

Also, my knowledge of php is very limited...this would otherwise be a very simple problem to resolve (the problem with the code is that it is not getting the state out of the database, just the city...but I don't know how to enter the code properly)

Thank you in advance for any help!

Your going to have to post your code.

Your going to have to post your code.

Sure thing, here you go...

application/x-httpd-php autogenprofile.php
PHP script text


 * class pluginTemplate
 *  A template to get you started building templates.  Rename all pluginTemplate
 *  with the name of your plugin
include_once(MODOSDATE_DIR . 'modPlugin.php');

class autogenprofile extends modPlugin {

   * Holds the language phrases
   * @access private
   var $lang;

   * Table with generated users
   * @access private
   var $lang_autogenprofile_table = "autogenprofile_autogenprofile";
   * Table with generated forms
   * @access private
   var $lang_autogenprofile_forms_table = "autogenprofile_forms";

   * The name name of the plugin class.
   * @access private
   var $plugin_class_name = "autogenprofile";

   * The text that appears in the admin plugin list
   * @access private
   var $display_name;

   * The link text that appears on the user's menu
   * @access private
   var $user_menu_text;

   * Appear on users menu (true or false)
   * @access private
   var $user_menu_appear = false;

   * The link text that appears on the admin's menu
   * @access private
   var $admin_menu_text ;

   * Appear on admin's menu (true or false)
   * @access private
   var $admin_menu_appear = true;
   var $osDB;
   * Constructor
   * @return
   * @access public
  function autogenprofile( )

	$this->osDB =& $GLOBALS['osDB'];
	$pluginDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/../';
	$this->lang = $this->modLoadLang($pluginDir);
  } // end of member method pluginClass

   * Does the processing to display a user page.  Called from plugin.php
   * @return array
   * @access public
   function  displayPluginPage() {

   * Does the processing to display 100% plugin content.  Called from pluginraw.php
   * @return array
   * @access public
   function  displayPluginContent() {

   * Returns the content that will appear in the left column of a page.  Designed to be overridden by plugins
   * @return array
   * @access public
  function displayLeftCol() {


   * Returns the content that will appear in the main content area of the page.  This content will appear after the existing main content.  Designed to be overridden by plugins
   * @return array
   * @access public
  function displayMain() {


  function getUserName($firstname,$lastname)
  	if($len==1) return substr(trim($firstname).trim($lastname),0,24);
  	if($len==2) return substr(trim($firstname)."_".trim($lastname),0,24);
  	if($len==3) return $firstname[0].trim($lastname);
  	if($len==4) return trim($firstname).$lastname[0];
  	if($len==5) return trim(substr($firstname,0,mt_rand(1,strlen($firstname)))).trim(substr($lastname,0,mt_rand(1,strlen($lastname))));
  	if($len==6) return trim(substr($firstname,0,mt_rand(1,strlen($firstname)))).trim(substr($lastname,0,mt_rand(1,strlen($lastname)))).mt_rand(1,999);
  	if($len==7) return $firstname[0].trim($lastname).mt_rand(1,999);
  	if($len==8) return trim($firstname).$lastname[0].mt_rand(1,999);
  	if($len==9) return trim($firstname)."_".trim(substr($lastname,0,mt_rand(1,strlen($lastname))));
  	if($len==0) return trim($firstname).$lastname[0].mt_rand(1,999);

   * Does the processing to display a admin page.  Called from plugin.php
   * @return array
   * @access public
   function  displayPluginAdminPage() {
   	$countries =& $this->modGetAllCountries();
   	foreach ($countries as $item => $key)
   		if($key['code']=="AA") unset($countries[$item]);
/*   Vijay Nair - Want to take cities only for selected countries for generating profiles.
			else {
//   	$pathimages=TEMP_DIR."profile_images/";

	/* Generation process starts  */
//		@ini_set('time_limit','0');
		//getting data from form
		$opt1=$_POST['opt1']; //number of profiles;
		$opt2=$_POST['opt2']; //percentage of males
		$opt3=$_POST['opt3']; //percentage of females
		$opt4=$_POST['opt4']; //number of countries
		$opt6=$_POST['opt6']; //percentage of age ranges
		$opt8=$_POST['opt8']; //percentage of white ethnicity
		$opt9=$_POST['opt9']; //percentage of black ethnicity
		$opt10=$_POST['opt10']; //percentage of asian ethnicity
		$opt11=$_POST['opt11']; //percentage of other ethnicity

		if ($opt2 == '' && $opt3 != '') {
			$opt2 = 100 - $opt3;
		} else if ( $opt3 == '' && $opt2 != '') {
			$opt3 = 100 - $opt2;
		} else if ($opt2 == '' && $opt3 == '') {
			$opt2 = $opt3 = 50;


		$etn['w']="0"; $etns[0]="10020";
		$etn['b']="1"; $etns[1]="10019";
		$etn['a']="2"; $etns[2]="10018";
		$etn['m']="3"; $etns[3]="10027";


			if(!$ethnicity[$i]['number']) unset($ethnicity[$i]);
		if($sum<$opt1) $ethnicity[4]['number']=$opt1-$sum;

   		$handle = opendir($pathimages);$file = readdir($handle);$file = readdir($handle);
    	while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))

/* Countries start */
		$nocount = 0;
			if (!isset($_POST[$field2])) {
			/* If country is not selected, take random country */
				$rx = mt_rand(0,count($countries)-1);
				$_POST[$field2] = $rx;
			if ($_POST[$field1] != '') {
			} else {
		if($sum<$opt1 && $nocount == 0) $country[0]['number']=$opt1-$sum;
		if ($nocount > 0) {
			/* There are countries records without any percentage allocated. Let us
			   allocate balance numbers equally to these countries. */
			$cnt = $opt1 - $sum;
			$cnt1 = 0;
			for ($i=0;$i<$opt4;$i++) {
				if ($country[$i]['number']==0) {
					$country[$i]['number'] = (int)($cnt / $nocount);
					$cnt1 += $country[$i]['number'];
			if ($cnt1 < $cnt) {


/* Countries end */

		$nocount = 0;
		if ($opt6 == '') {
		} else {
				if ($_POST[$field1] != '') {
				} else {
				if (!isset($_POST[$field2]) || $_POST[$field2] == '') {
					$_POST[$field2] = 16;
				if (!isset($_POST[$field3]) || $_POST[$field3] == '') {
					$_POST[$field3] = 90;
			if($opt1 > $sum && $nocount == 0 ) $age[0]['number']=$opt1 - $sum;

			if ($nocount > 0) {
				/* There are age records without any percentage allocated. Let us
				   allocate balance numbers equally to these. */

				$cnt = $opt1 - $sum;
				$cnt1 = 0;
				for ($i=0;$i<$opt6;$i++) {
					if ($age[$i]['number']==0) {
						$age[$i]['number'] = (int)($cnt / $nocount);
						$cnt1 += $age[$i]['number'];
				if ($cnt1 < $cnt) {

		$male = $female = array();

		//getting data from name files
		/* Modified by Vijay Nair to keep only the required number of males and females
			names in the $male and $female array. Unnecessary to have all combinations
			to be built into array. System errors occur because of this. */

		$male_names_cnt = count($males);
		$female_names_cnt = count($females);
		$firstnames_cnt = count($firstnames);

		// firstnames array is infact last names array
		//getting all possible numbers

		for($i=0;$i<$nrmales;$i++) {
			$r1 = rand(0, ($male_names_cnt-1));
			$r2 = rand(0,($firstnames_cnt-1));
			$male[$i]['firstname'] = $firstnames[$r2];
			$male[$i]['lastname'] = $males[$r1];

		for($i=0;$i<$nrfemales;$i++) {
			$r1 = rand(0,$female_names_cnt-1);
			$r2 = rand(0,$firstnames_cnt-1);
			$female[$i]['firstname'] = $firstnames[$r2];
			$female[$i]['lastname'] = $females[$r1];


		if($forms['gender']['male']+$forms['gender']['female']==0) {$this->modSmartyAssign('error',1);$error=1;}
			else {$this->modSmartyAssign('error',2);$this->modSmartyAssign('nrerror',$j);}
		//select user data and add to database
		foreach ($result as $item => $key)
			do {
				$ret =& $this->modGetAllUsers(array('username'=>$username));
			} while($ret);

			$cntryprflcnt = $country[$sel]['number'];
			if(!$country[$sel]['country']) {$sel2=array_rand($countries);$resultitem['country']=$countries[$sel2]['name'];$code=$countries[$sel2]['code'];}
			else {$resultitem['country']=$country[$sel]['country'];$code=$country[$sel]['code'];}
			if(!$country[$sel]['number']) unset($country[$sel]);

	/* Take cities for the selected country  - Vijay Nair */

			if (!$city[$code] or count($city[$code]) < 1 ) {
				$city = array();
				$city[$code] =& $this->modGetAllCities($code, $cntryprflcnt);

			foreach ($images[$key['gender']] as $item2 => $key2) {
				if($ethnicity[$seletn]['number']) $ok=1;
				else if($ethnicity[4]['number']) $ok=1;
					foreach ($age as $item3 => $key3)
						if($selmin<=$selage && $selage<=$selmax) {$ok=2;break;}
				if($ok==2) {$resultitem['age']=$selage;
								if(!$ethnicity[$seletn]['number']) unset($ethnicity[$seletn]);
							} else {
								if(!$ethnicity[4]['number']) unset($ethnicity[4]);

							$dbimg =& $this->modCreateDbImage($selpath,$selext);



							if(!$age[$item3]['number']) unset($age[$item3]);

				if(!$age[$sel]['number']) unset($age[$sel]);

				else $resultitem['ethnicity']=$etns[mt_rand(0,3)];
				if(!$ethnicity[$sel]['number']) unset($ethnicity[$sel]);
			$tsage = $resultitem['age']*365;
			$tsage = mt_rand($tsage+364, $tsage);
			$resultitem['birth_day'] = $this->osDB->getOne('select date_add(curdate(), interval -'.$tsage.' day)');



	/* End of generation process */
	if($_GET['showforms']==0 && isset($_GET['showforms']))
			$deldata =& $this->modGetAll($this->lang_autogenprofile_table,array('fid'=>$fid));
			foreach ($deldata as $item)
				$user =& $this->modGetAllUsers(array('username'=>$item['username']));
		$data =& $this->modGetAll($this->lang_autogenprofile_forms_table,array(),'ts',2);
		foreach($data as $item => $key)

		$rpp=$this->config['Users shown per page'];
		if(!$page) $page=1;

		$data =& $this->modGetAll($this->lang_autogenprofile_table,array('fid'=>$fid),"",1,$start,$rpp);
		$countries =& $this->modGetAllCountries();
		foreach ($countries as $item)
		$form =$this->modGetRow($this->lang_autogenprofile_forms_table,array('id'=>$fid));
		$date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$form['ts']);
		foreach ($data as $item => $key)
			$data[$item]['fullname']=$user['lastname']." ".$user['firstname'];

		if($page!=1) $yprev=1; else $yprev=0;
		if($count%$rpp==0) $lastpage--;
		if($page!=$lastpage) $ynext=1; else $ynext=0;


	if(!$text) {
   		$text =$this->modSmartyFetch("admin/autogenprofile.tpl");
   	return $text;



Or you can download the code below in zip format if it makes it easier for you....thank you.

Also, my knowledge of php is very limited...this would otherwise be a very simple problem to resolve (the problem with the code is that it is not getting the state out of the database, just the city...but I don't know how to enter the code properly)

Its obvious from the code, (or lack there of) that you are in way over your head. This looks like a form validation class that extends another class and what you would have to do is create your own class which would probably extend this one to create your own functionality. This forum is for developers to get and offer help to other developers. I'm not saying this to be rude, I just don't want you to waste any more of your time. I just don't know of any developer here at Daniweb or any other forum that will be willing to do this for you for free. There is another forum at Daniweb for finding a developer here which is probably more along the lines of what you are looking for.

Now if you want to try to make this adjustment yourself and have specific questions about different aspects of PHP I would love to help you.

Its obvious from the code, (or lack there of) that you are in way over your head. This looks like a form validation class that extends another class and what you would have to do is create your own class which would probably extend this one to create your own functionality. This forum is for developers to get and offer help to other developers. I'm not saying this to be rude, I just don't want you to waste any more of your time. I just don't know of any developer here at Daniweb or any other forum that will be willing to do this for you for free. There is another forum at Daniweb for finding a developer here which is probably more along the lines of what you are looking for.

Now if you want to try to make this adjustment yourself and have specific questions about different aspects of PHP I would love to help you.

That's ok, I understand...I thought it would simply be a matter of inserting a few lines of code-didn't realize it would be this detailed.
I would love to do this myself, but as you said, I know I'm in way over my head.

Just a thought; if I created a few profiles with the profile generator, would there be a relatively quick way to manually edit the profiles (maybe through phpMyAdmin or something?)

When viewing a table in php myadmin there is a button on the top that says browse which will allow you to view the data in the table and each row has an option to edit.

I really, really don't want to sound like I'm being lazy, but I tried doing it that way before, but it takes too long doing it that way...
Basically, what the deal is is that I'm starting a dating site, and I'm afraid that no one who visits the site will join if they see that no one is on the site. Since most people will only be interested in meeting people within x-amount of miles, I figure that I would need roughly 1,000 people per state so that there's at least a few members of each gender within reasonable range of random visitors to the site; and as members join I would remove the dummy profiles. Honestly, I hate the idea of even having dummy profiles, but it seems to be the best alternative for my situation. But anyway, I want to make ~50,000 dummy profiles, and manually editing each one in the database would take forever (took me about an hour to do 250).
Looks like the only way to do this is to get the profile generator functioning properly...but thanks for your help!

I really, really don't want to sound like I'm being lazy, but I tried doing it that way before, but it takes too long doing it that way...
Basically, what the deal is is that I'm starting a dating site, and I'm afraid that no one who visits the site will join if they see that no one is on the site. Since most people will only be interested in meeting people within x-amount of miles, I figure that I would need roughly 1,000 people per state so that there's at least a few members of each gender within reasonable range of random visitors to the site; and as members join I would remove the dummy profiles. Honestly, I hate the idea of even having dummy profiles, but it seems to be the best alternative for my situation. But anyway, I want to make ~50,000 dummy profiles, and manually editing each one in the database would take forever (took me about an hour to do 250).
Looks like the only way to do this is to get the profile generator functioning properly...but thanks for your help!

Then you have two options.
1. Spend the time that it takes to learn php, we will be happy to help you on your way. PHP.net has a huge resource of documentation and examples available. There is actually more online documentation for php than any other language, except maybe javascript, but I doubt it.

2. Find a freelancer which is not hard to do seeing there are many forums available and ask for a price quote. Give them everything, not just the little piece that you gave me and ask them how long and how much. You can even get multiple opinions.

Going with option 1...started taking the tutorials at w3 a few weeks ago. Probably sounds weird but I'm actually enjoying learning php. It sounds so simple in theory, but in practice php has been pretty tough. Right now I just know the very basics. But I'll definitely be back with questions as I go along.

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