Hi All
I've created a web page where I'm trying to pull data from the database. My requirement is to populate a combo box from the database automatically, i.e. as and when the db updates, the combo box needs to get updated. I have heard that it's possible with Ajax. Can any one give me some code samples for this. And I'm using servlets as my back end along with JSPs and JSTL to display. So I'll be grateful if anyone can help me with some sample code in Ajax with Java related technologies.

Thanks !

I do not have any sample but code, but do have some suggestions for mixing Java + AJAX:-

GWT is a great framework for developing Ajax based applications in Pure Java.

jMaki is another AJAX framework which can be used with Java on the Server side.

And I would suggest you checking out JSF (Java Server Faces).

> So I'll be grateful if anyone can help me with some sample code in
> Ajax with Java related technologies.

Ajax is a set of technologies and hence doesn't depend on a single language for its implementation. Ajax is simply a asynchronous request sent by the browser using the inbuilt XHR object to the web server and getting back a textual response in a suitable data format[XML, JSON etc].

The way the web server handles the request, processes it and responds to the request is left to the implementation you desire. But if you are looking for a Java based solution for handling Ajax in your JEE web application, the above post is a good starting point.

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