Guys We have a project.. . Its' a sales and inventory system.. . My question is can PHP and Java plus MySQL.. Work together.. PHP obviously runs in a web browser. But I wanted also the java program to run also in the web browser, can I also run the java program in web browser same as the PHP program? I hope you could help me guys. Tnx! =)

I assume java=JavaScript,
in case i am right, yes they can ofcourse, but javascript doesn't interact with Mysql, Ajax is used for this.

As if Java meant really Java, then, it can be imported into the site as an applet.

I assume java=JavaScript,
in case i am right, yes they can ofcourse, but javascript doesn't interact with Mysql, Ajax is used for this.

As if Java meant really Java, then, it can be imported into the site as an applet.

Thanks for the response I am using Java as in Java not Java Script.. So it is possible to incorporate this two programs.. But My Program in Java is not in Applet Mode.. So I think I will Convert it to Java Applet.. Its a JFrame.. Tnx for the response. =) I hope that it would work.

PHP obviously runs in a web browser.

PHP executes on the server.
Java also executes on the server.

To have Java execute on the browser, you need user to have the JRE on their computer. They will also need the Java Plugin for their Browser.

It isn't as common nowdays for users to have the JRE on their system - as it once was. New systems do not come with it. Even browsers may not have a Java Plugin shipped with them. (chrome doesn't).

To have PHP execute on the browser, you need a plugin. This currently unheard of, but possible to do.

If you want to use Java, you have to be sure there is no other way of doing what you want, and that you understand that not all your users will be able to run the Java applet, or want to run it.

Flash on the other hand is available on a lot more user's browsers then Java. So you might want to consider it.

MySQL is a server based SQL platform. It is not available on the browser and is to heavy (large codebase) to be really useful for the normal user. Usually, only developers have mysql on their machine. You could try SQLite if you want SQL on the client side.

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