Hi i had a big database and need to delete and add to it daily. About 500 rows are there in that table. I add add a check box in every row ( in the output page ) .. Something like this

$select=select * from table ;

////// result will come here. Each row contains a check box with a value "id" . Which is from the column id from the database ..and name from 1,2,3.... 

<?php } ?>

Now i need to check multiple check boxes and press delete button in the php page. Then the values posted to "process.php" and then delete the rows with "id" s of checked....
I tried many but ...
Please any one help me....

make the checkbox name "id[]" and then you can process the data using

foreach( $_POST['id'] as $key => $val ) {
  //delete query using $val as $id

thats just a simple example, there still are some security issues to take care of

Thanks for your support... Please let me know what are the security issues ?

sql injection, xss attacks, ect.

just run is_numeric and mysql_real_escape_string on $val

hi, this is a code for deleteing the entire row from database if we enter the word.... but this code is not working....so reply me as early as possible....

	       echo "<br><br><br><br>
                                               <b>Enter the data in the form</b></font><center>";
	       echo "<center>";
	       echo "<form >";
	       echo "<br>";
	       echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
	       echo "<center><input type=\"button\" onClick=\"history.go(-1)\"name=\"INSERT\"                                                 Value=\"GoBack\"></center>";
	       echo "</form>";
	       echo "</center>";
	      $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
	         if (!$con)
 	           die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
	      mysql_select_db("my_dict", $con);

$sqlQuery = "DELETE * FROM dic WHERE Word='$_POST[Word]'";
	if (!mysql_query($sqlQuery,$con))
  	die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
                  if ($sqlQuery == TRUE) 
                       echo" <br>";
                       echo "<center><font size=5 color=green><b><br><br>Data deleted successfully</b></font>
 	       echo" <br>";
	                          echo"<center><input type=\"button\" onClick=\"history.go(-1)\"name=\"INSERT\" Value=\"To                                                    Insert The Data  GoBack\"></center>";
                      echo " <center><font size=5 color=green>Data could no deleted</b></font></center>";

            }   //else end
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