OK, this is the link!


please go have a look.... they are on about using CSS instead of tables... and provide you a a sample page with the table, and a sample page with the CSS....
the only problem is....
both use tables!

What is more, when you try using the CSS code they list as having used, (rather than the table!), I found that it doesn't work... the right hand column drops!

Does anybody else have this problem with it, or is it my browsers?

PS, can someone please "hold my hand and walk with me" throught this IE box model bug what not.... I have the code, I understand how it's supposed to work, yet I have to fudge like mad just to get it to go roughly right!

Any and all help/answers welcome!

PPS, not haveing a CSS beating.... merely trying to figure it all out properly, and it appears even the pro's have stuffed this one! LOL Still, kind of makes me feel good, if they can, I most certainly will!
:grin: ((says alot about my personality! LOL))

I design full CSS sites but I still either use a table but mostly a layer or two as the base then add Div tags for content alignment then add CSS to the Div tags and and stuff.

Check out http://www.glish.com/css/ for a better CSS guide


ok go with the box model since I have a lecture in 15 mins:

In IE, you set the width of an object, and margins, padding, etc are subtracted from that width.

In Moz, you set a width, and margins, padding etc are added to that width.

So if you have a width and some padding on an object, it will have a different total width in the two different browsers.

So the workaround (not the hack):
Use nested elements:
<div id="div1"><div id="div2">

Now we apply a width to div1 (our container), and put margin/padding etc on div2 so that both browsers will render exactly the same.

I'll look at your other problem later if I have a chance. http://www.bluerobot.com/web/layouts/ have some good layouts

... Kevin smithers ...
Cheers for that..... any basic examples.... as I'm concerned tha tlayers aren't support or viewed the same... (layers as in z-index, or as in divides?)

... Dave SW ...
If that isn't quite possibly the most blatant, obvious, short handed method of fixing an issue.... I'm very impressed!
I can't believe I diodn't see it!
Thank you!
Senseible, easy.... I wonder how often I can use it... spacer/placer/positioner...hmm!

Yeah - a lot of people have missed that it's that simple. I'll see if I can find some examples for you for the other link you posted in the other thread.

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