When I use

<?php include("header.shtml"); ?>

to display the header for my website files, I get a gap added above the header when I view it in internet explorer 7 and 8 (not in firefox v2). Some type of character that causes a linefeed is added at run time. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem or has any ideas for how I can keep the gap from appearing at the top of the page.



well that seems fine it must be something in the header file that is causing it

or padding or something in the css


I appreciate you looking at this for me. I continued working on it and found the problem last night. I have been using Expression Web to edit the files and, as I understand it, the encoding that the editor is using is different from what's used on the server. I found that there are certain characters that can be seen at the beginning of the file when editing with us-ascii encoding that aren't seen with the default encoding in Expression Web. I edited and saved the files with a host provided editor and that fixed it.



no problem. glad you were able to find the problem

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