I was hoping someone could help me with this.
Here is my web site:

The footer of this site that shows my copyright moves around, depending on your monitor resolution, and does not stay centered with the page itself. The footer information is show in the page source.
Can someone please assist me with getting this to stay centered?
I am not an PHP expert, nor a novice. So any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

It's there. That is what I don't understand why this is not centered.

#footer {
	width: 907px;
	height: 83px;
	background: #000000;
	color: #ffffff;
	font: 10px/20px Verdana;
	text-align: center;

shoot. you are right. I missed that. Hrmmm. I use "web developer" plugin for firefox. that footer doesnt have a style attached to it for some reason. it's not seeing the css for that ID. But the rest of the elements on the page seem fine.

actually the text is centered in the tag, just the tag isnt centered.

either center that div or move the footer div within the page ID

I am a total n00b on this so you may need to elaborate, if you please.
In the footer, do you mean do this?

<!-- Footer --><div id="footer"><p>Copyright &copy; 2009, EC Technology Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved</p>



<!-- Footer --><div align="center" id="footer"><p>Copyright &copy; 2009, EC Technology Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved</p>


I tried putting the align="center" in the footer but it didn't work.

in your footer class add these


Awesome. Just awesome.
Thank you so much. That worked perfectly.

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