i am trying to learn servlets so i downloaded tomcat server.I learned that i have to do this...set path=c:\tomcat\lib\servlet.jar
or click the exe file tomcat6 in the bin folder. I tried to connect with localhost8080 it is not working.I am not getting Tomcat home page.

Any help will be great.

i am trying to learn servlets so i downloaded tomcat server.I learned that i have to do this...set path=c:\tomcat\lib\servlet.jar
or click the exe file tomcat6 in the bin folder. I tried to connect with localhost8080 it is not working.I am not getting Tomcat home page.

Any help will be great.

Two questions?
- Did you start the server?
- What url are you using?

i couldnt start the server...i tried using commands in dos like.."tomcat start".The url i used was http://localhost:8080/

i couldnt start the server...i tried using commands in dos like.."tomcat start".The url i used was http://localhost:8080/

You would have to set path to tomcat for the command to be recognised in similar manner to what you did with Java so now you can call "java" or "javac" commands.
To start Tomcat without need of messing with path is either go to the location of startup.bat (or startup.sh under Unix/Linux) and then just execute "startup" or call startup file with absolute path such as "C:\Tomcat6.0.20\bin\startup"

i couldnt start the server...i tried using commands in dos like.."tomcat start".The url i used was http://localhost:8080/

An easier way to start and stop tomcat is using the Tomcat Monitor. I think during the installation of tomcat it asks you if you would like to install that monitor . However if you did not choosed to install that.. you can go to the bin folder of your tomcat installation and start tomcat6w.exe It sits on your system tray and you can open it anytime to start and stop tomcat with a GUI.

An easier way to start and stop tomcat is using the Tomcat Monitor. I think during the installation of tomcat it asks you if you would like to install that monitor . However if you did not choosed to install that.. you can go to the bin folder of your tomcat installation and start tomcat6w.exe It sits on your system tray and you can open it anytime to start and stop tomcat with a GUI.

Depends on the type of installation package you choose. If you go for windows installer you loosing capability to use your instance of Tomcat with IDE(Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA) as this require startup.bat and shutdown.bat presence

yes i did it with the startup batch file through console(dos prompt) thanks

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