Dear all,

I have a requirement that, when the user click on a radiobutton of a listed module, all its permissions should be toggled down. This section comprises in a div "msg_body". there are more than one module and so more than one msg_body divs. I used jQuery for this and is working fine in FF but not in IE6.
I am using the php framework for this project and giving the view page and the jQuery code along with.
Expecting help from all of u.

/////// The view page////////
<div id="rightSideContentDiv">

         <div class="listHead">
                <span class="listHead_left">


            <span class="listHead_right">

                     <span class="right_subopt" id="permission"><strong>Permission Levels</strong>  </span>
             <ul id="modulelist">
               <?php foreach($module_result as $module){ ?>
                <p id="module_permission_<?php echo $module->module_id;?>">
                 <span class="left_options"><strong>
                echo $module->module_name;

                 <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $module->module_name;?>" value="<?php echo $module->module_id;?>" id="<?php echo $module->module_id;?>" class="moduletype" />

                 <span >&nbsp;</span>

                 <span class="right_options">

                     <span class="right_subopt" id="none">



                                $module_permission = unserialize($module->permission_ids);// die();


                                    $checked1  = TRUE;
                                    $checked2  = FALSE;
                                    $checked3  = FALSE;


                                    $checked1  = FALSE;
                                    $checked2  = TRUE;
                                    $checked3  = FALSE;


                                    $checked1  = FALSE;
                                    $checked2  = FALSE;
                                    $checked3  = TRUE;


                            $checked1  = TRUE;
                            $checked2  = FALSE;
                            $checked3  = FALSE;
                        //echo "ch1:".$checked1."ch2:".$checked2."ch3:".$checked3;

                        $data1 = array(
                            "name"        => "role_$module->module_name",
                            "class"       => "role_permission_$module->module_id",
                            "value"       => "0",
                            "id"          => "select_none_$module->module_id",
                            "rel"         => "module_permission_$module->module_id",
                            "checked"     => "$checked1",
                            "style"       => "margin:10px",

                        echo form_radio($data1);


                     <span class="right_subopt" id="all">
                        <?php $data2 = array(
                            "name"        => "role_$module->module_name",
                            "class"       => "role_permission_$module->module_id",
                            "value"       => "1",
                            "id"          => "select_all_$module->module_id",
                            "rel"         => "module_permission_$module->module_id",
                            "checked"     => "$checked2",
                            "style"       => "margin:10px",

                        echo form_radio($data2);


                     <span class="right_subopt" id="custom">
                        <?php $data3 = array(
                            "name"        => "role_$module->module_name",
                            "class"       => "role_permission_$module->module_id",
                            "value"       => "2",
                            "checked"     => "$checked3",
                            'style'       => "margin:10px",

                        echo form_radio($data3);

                    <div class="msg_body">
                        <div class="permission_body_<?php echo $module->module_id;?>">
                        <?php foreach($permission_result as $permission){



                                    $checkPer = FALSE;


                                    $checkPer = TRUE;




                                            $checkPer = TRUE;

                                            $checkPer = FALSE;





                                $checkPer   = FALSE;

                            //echo "ch".$checkPer."<br>";
                          <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $permission->permission_name;?>" value="<?php echo $permission->permission_id;?>" id="<?php echo $permission->permission_id;?>" class="permissiontype_<?php echo $module->module_id;?>" />
                               <span class="permission_content">  

                                $data = array(
                                    "name"        => "roles[permission][$permission->permission_id]",
                                    "class"       => "permission_$module->module_id"."_"."$permission->permission_id",
                                    "value"       => $permission->permission_id,
                                    "checked"     => "$checkPer",
                                    "style"       => "margin:10px",
                                 echo form_checkbox($data);
                                 echo $permission->permission_name?>

                            <?php //} 
                            } //End of Foreach $permission_result?>


            <?php  }//End of Foreach $module_result ?>

             <span class="submitSpan">
                $data = array(
                    'name'      => 'submit_role',
                    'class'     => 'submit_role',
                    'value'     => 'Submit'
             echo form_submit($data);
           <?php  echo form_close(); ?>
////// End of view page.///////

/// jQuery used//////


    //hide the all of the element with class msg_body
    //slides the element with class "msg_body" when paragraph with class "msg_head" is clicked 
    $("ul#modulelist li span#custom").click(function()


//// End of jQuery//////

Can you include a static HTML of your code along with the JS so that I can run it in a browser and debug? Just 1 or two modules should be fine.

Just save your page or something.

I had got the solution for this problem through googling.

when i include the radiobutton inside a h4 tag and give class name as "trigger". After that called the slidetoggle jquery as,

$("h4.trigger").click(function(){ });

It is now working in IE also..

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