Why is this regular expression (pat) not working? According to documentation, scan takes both string and regexp.

irb(main):001:0> pat = '\d+ (\w+) \(\d+\)'
=> "\\d+ (\\w+) \\(\\d+\\)"
irb(main):002:0> string = 'dfasdf 1 up (2009) sdfasdf 2 walle (2008) adfasdf'
=> "dfasdf 1 up (2009) sdfasdf 2 walle (2008) adfasdf"
irb(main):003:0> string.scan(pat)
=> []


pat = '(\d+)'
string = 'dfasdf 1 up (2009) sdfasdf 2 walle (2008) adfasdf'
p string.scan(/#{pat}/)
=>[["1"], ["2009"], ["2"], ["2008"]]

nice work.

pat = '(\d+)'
string = 'dfasdf 1 up (2009) sdfasdf 2 walle (2008) adfasdf'
p string.scan(/#{pat}/)
=>[["1"], ["2009"], ["2"], ["2008"]]
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