if i have following link

<a href="#Next/?s=5">Next Value</a>

If i click on Next Value the address bar url will be


then how can i get the value of s

Member Avatar for diafol
<a href="?s=5#Next">Next Value</a>

Try that, although, I'd put a PHP_SELF in there as opposed to a raw querystring.

but i want to stay on same page man

Member Avatar for diafol

You'll stay on the same page man. Did you try it?

Like I said, you could try $_SERVER or include the full url:

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?s=5#Next">Next Value</a>

Man, I think he means maybe using some AJAX to fetch results instead of having to request a new page. For that one, you would need to see the JavaScript forum, man! :D

To get you started here's an idea:

<a href="#?s=5" onclick="nextPage(5);">Next Value</a>

W3Schools JavaScript
W3Schools AJAX

thanks for replying..............!! i got that

If you have moved this question to the proper form, I just ask that you mark this thread as solved, unless of course you have another question! Good Luck with AJAX!

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