Hey Guys,

I'm using Authorize.net as my payment processor. When I try to make a transaction it is not working properly because of the MD5Hash. I set up a variable and it is not working, in the authnet manual it says

"if the MD5 Hash value configured by the merchant in the Merchant Interface is "wilson," the API Login ID is “myAPIloginid”, the Transaction ID is 987654321, and the amount is $1.00, then the field order used by the payment gateway to generate the MD5 Hash would be as follows."


Ok well I know everything but the transaction id, where do I get the transaction id? Is it generated by authorize.net or do I have to make one?

Hey Guys,

I'm using Authorize.net as my payment processor. When I try to make a transaction it is not working properly because of the MD5Hash. I set up a variable and it is not working, in the authnet manual it says

"if the MD5 Hash value configured by the merchant in the Merchant Interface is "wilson," the API Login ID is “myAPIloginid”, the Transaction ID is 987654321, and the amount is $1.00, then the field order used by the payment gateway to generate the MD5 Hash would be as follows."


Ok well I know everything but the transaction id, where do I get the transaction id? Is it generated by authorize.net or do I have to make one?

Which API are you using from Authorize.net? There are several.

EDIT: I just found this on the authorize.net site:

"In order to establish a successful connection to Authorize.Net, it is required
that you obtain a valid API Login ID and Transaction Key and enter these
values into the appropriate places within this sample code. This is obtained
within the Settings section of your Authorize.Net account. If you do not have
an Authorize.Net account or prefer not to use it for testing, you can obtain
a free developer test account by using the form at http://developer.authorize.net"

Hope this helps.

Thanks for checking, although I have a test account. I am using the aim (advanced integration method) and I am just trying to figure out how to include my MD5Hash within my code. I am having a brain fart lol.

I hope that I am not being dense. :)

The documentation that I looked through said that the transactionID was derived from the Merchant Interface. Then, I imagine that the value is plugged into the $post_values array.

Am I in the ballpark? Or am I standing in the end-zone waiting for a pop-fly?

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