I am new to php but have modified an entire code in two weeks. I have it all working, however the last change that i made is not being seen on the web page. I am dealing with php 5.1.6 and apache and since then whatever change i am making is alos not being seen on the webpage. PLEASE HELP.

I have looked into the php.ini files, tried to restart the httpd , have done the ftp of the code to the server, have even reinstalled the entire software twice. Now i dont see any relation between what is being seen on the webpage and what is there in my php file. I have even cleared the caches to no avail.

Without knowing more, it's impossible to tell you .
I don't think it's anything to do with Apache or PHP, but some kind of code error (or omission).
Are you running PHP with display errors on? It shouuld tell you something about what is going on.

Initially the pages were not loading when i made the changes, I fixed that and made the changes and the pages were seen. But now the problem is that whatever changes i am making with the php code they are not being reflected on the webpage. The webpage is still loading. I tired clearing the cache since i though tit waws loading from cache. But the changes are still not being seen. I have a Propel exception set up and do not see any display on in the code. Am modifying an existing code so am not really familiar with the entire code. But basically the last modification i made was to a table in which i added a text box which accepts input and stores the input in a column (new column added) , its like a progress report of a project, so the column needs to store what has been done like on a given day.

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