hello firends.
I am learning php and I install wamp but now i dont know what i must do for using wamp server and how i must execute my projects?


I use xampp myself when I'm developing on windows but from what I can gather they basically do the same thing.

I'm going to assume here that the apache service is running on your machine, wampp should give you some feedback on that one.

Go to C:\wamp\apache\htdocs (var/www in linux) and create a new text file called index.php (not index.php.txt! if you're not sure go to tools>folder options>view show file extensions).

Open that file with notepad and copy/paste the following code:


echo "Hello World!";


Save the file, open a web browser and go to http://localhost/

If everything is working properly you should just see the text "Hello World!" on the page, if not you'll get an error message.

Let us know how it goes, if you have any problems try un-installing wamp then try my instructions above.

All the best :)

For help installing go here: http://teamtutorials.com/web-development-tutorials/setting-up-a-wamp-server

You must go to C:\wamp\www\ and create a new folder for a project. Say for example you have a website on tea cups. Make a folder relative to this an put your project files in here (C:\wamp\www\teacups).

Once this is done typing http://localhost/ into the browser should show all the project folders in the \www directory. You should click on your project (in this case the folder "tea cups" and then your website will be shown.

Hope this helps,
WAMP server is amazing!


Member Avatar for diafol

Personally, I like XAMPP, but its all bananas and apples. If you organize your local sites:

c:\wampp\www\teacups\ (http://localhost/teacups/) and then upload to remote site - you'll find that your internal links might not work. You may need to change your 'hosts' (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) and 'httpd.conf' (c:\wamp\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf) files. See this site for a full explanation:


tanks alot .my problem has been solved.

Member Avatar for diafol


Mark this thread solved please.

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