i have a php code in a div. I'd like to cancel clicking on that div, until the page loads.

i'm having the problem if i click on the div too fast which calls a popup div... it doesn't get the content from the php.. so it is a blank popup div.

You could wait to attach the click event listener on that div until the dom is finished loading. If you use jQuery you would set up in a javascript block

    /* fire popup */

i tried below but now the onclick is not working. I want the function ShowContent only be able to run when the document(php) has loaded.

					function ShowContent(d) {
if(d.length < 1) { return; }
var dd = document.getElementById(d);


dd.style.display = "block";


So the div you are attaching the click event to has the id = "block"? To attach the event to block you need to use


Also where is the parameter 'd' coming from? If you don't declare d be fore the click event it will be null. Try having d as a value on the div that as you are clicking and use

 var d = this.getAttribute("d");
 var dd = document.getElementById(d);
dd.style.display = ""; /* don't need to declare it block */
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