
public void bingdrid()
        cmd.Connection = con;
        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT     Customer.* , convert(varchar(50),StarteTime,103),convert(varchar(50),EndTime,103), CompanyMaster.Name, Country.CountryName, City.CityName, State.StateName " +
                    "FROM  Customer INNER JOIN "+
                     " CompanyMaster ON Customer.CompanyID = CompanyMaster.CompanyID INNER JOIN "+
                     " City ON Customer.CityID = City.CityID INNER JOIN "+
                      "Country ON Customer.CountryID = Country.CountryID INNER JOIN "+
                      "State ON Customer.StateID = State.StateID AND City.StateID = State.StateID AND Country.CountryID = State.CountryID ";
        da.SelectCommand = cmd ;
        grvCusto.DataSource = ds;

 protected void grvCusto_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
        grdstate.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

there is problem in this..
paging of grid is not working properly.

thanks in advance.


You have to set AllowPaging=true property of GridView.

public void bingdrid()
        cmd.Connection = con;
        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT     Customer.* , convert(varchar(50),StarteTime,103),convert(varchar(50),EndTime,103), CompanyMaster.Name, Country.CountryName, City.CityName, State.StateName " +
                    "FROM  Customer INNER JOIN "+
                     " CompanyMaster ON Customer.CompanyID = CompanyMaster.CompanyID INNER JOIN "+
                     " City ON Customer.CityID = City.CityID INNER JOIN "+
                      "Country ON Customer.CountryID = Country.CountryID INNER JOIN "+
                      "State ON Customer.StateID = State.StateID AND City.StateID = State.StateID AND Country.CountryID = State.CountryID ";
        DataTable ds=new DataTable(); 
        da.SelectCommand = cmd ;
        grvCusto.DataSource = ds;

thanks for the help.

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