I am in a slight dilemma at the moment i'm not sure whether to go down the a+/mcse route or whether to take the CIW courses instead. I have been doing some research to try and find out about them I would appreciate any opinions you have on the CIW and MCDBA.
I have quite good html skills and know some Javascript when it comes to web design. I have been interested in this subject for a while and have even created my own little sites using html and Java. Wouldn’t mind taking things a step further by taking the CIW course but I need to know if employers recognize it and does passing the CIW give you a reasonable chance of getting a job in web design or anything related to the Internet?

This is a topic that comes up now and then, and one I've had to face in my own life. I have never received any "certification" in any technology. Yet, I've made a lifelong career in IT, and have been a senior programmer, a Vice President, a Director of Development, etc. In my case then, I've managed to do without any certification. Results are what matter. Similarly, when I hire, I look for aptitude and desire, rather than certifications.

That said, it can't hurt. It demonstrates self-motivation, and implies at least a baseline of knowledge. In an environment where everyone and their pet claims to be a "web designer", that might just the edge you need.

Sorry, but I can't give you specific advice on specific courses. I wish you the best!

I fall into the same area of Tgreer as far as no formal training or certification. I have looked into it from time to time but personally I have found most "design" programs lacking in current trends and information. I am sure there are some good ones out there but I have not been able to justify forking over the extra cash when my experience and portfolio has always kept me in work.

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