Hi guys..
I am very new to PHP and generally in Web development.
I'm trying to develop a big project and i was wondering if anyone of you can help me according to what tools should i use. At the beginning i thought Asp.net would be appropriate but after reading about PHP i decided to choose PHP as scripting language. The project will be like an online store with a lot of data,users,etc. So what tools do i need to use for the complete development of the project(html,php,mysql,javascript,etc)??


Any help would be appreciated.

There are already E-COM ready to go sites out there. Google free shoping/ecommerce builder .

Get that change one or two stuffs and you are ready to go in a day. They are mostly php stuff.
Happy coding ;)

html/css php/mysql ... and a bit of javascript/jquery should do the job for a perfect site ... dont forget ajax

Hi guys..
I am very new to PHP and generally in Web development.
I'm trying to develop a big project and i was wondering if anyone of you can help me according to what tools should i use. At the beginning i thought Asp.net would be appropriate but after reading about PHP i decided to choose PHP as scripting language. The project will be like an online store with a lot of data,users,etc. So what tools do i need to use for the complete development of the project(html,php,mysql,javascript,etc)??


Any help would be appreciated.

Good evening,
Just install wamp server and start working in addition to above languages you need photoshop. can you elobrate your needs.

I have to agree with richieking here. There are numerous open source e-commerce packages that will probably offer more than you will possibly need. Pick one, learn it, install modules/plugins/etc and/or customize it where necessary.

If you are just learning php and starting out with web development, this is not the kind of project to tackle if you intend to release it to a production environment. Not only is the scope enormous but the amount of technical and security hurdles to overcome will not lend itself well to learning.

Wamp is a good start, I recommend the next step to be Eclipse PDT , remember programming is a complex science so you will need to devote to this in order to have results.

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