Hi friends,

I likes to implement "Remember Me" Option while sign in to my web site. Please advise me a secure tutorial for doing that .

I did all the part of coding ie, at the time of login process 2 sessions will creates named "username" and "password" . and so on...

I m new with "COOKIES" please help

Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for diafol


Sorry, thought better of the message - it was a bit rude.

Anyway, a quick flip through Google on some of those keywords should give you a good start.


Sorry, thought better of the message - it was a bit rude.

Anyway, a quick flip through Google on some of those keywords should give you a good start.

That was really helpful information :-/

Member Avatar for diafol

And your point is? I notice you didn't make a contribution yourself.

A search for 'remember me login php' will give loads of relevant results. What more can I say. Should I list the links by hand here?

Maybe I decided to view this thread because I wanted to know the same thing si cagna culo figa.

Member Avatar for diafol

> Si cagna culo figa.

Non รจ necessario essere scortese.

Tell you what, put me on your ignore list in your control panel. I've put you on mine. I've got better things to do than get into a flame war.

commented: Well spoken +16
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