How to create reports in core java

like visual basic 6.0 report

If you searched "java report library" you would already had answer and didn't have to post and shame your self with ignorance

i want report in standalone applicaion i dont know how to create

More and more excuses from your side. Example "Java iReport tutorial" will give as first hit iReport tutorial section. Do similar search for any other library you may like to use and I'm sure you will get plenty of resources.

Thank u

How to create reports in core java

like visual basic 6.0 report

you can use crystal reports like in visual basic with Java pretty easily

@ brynFlew
could you share some tutorials for this..

@ brynFlew
could you share some tutorials for this..

i don't have a tutorial easily available without searching around, i might be able to post some of my code later on if there isn't too much stuff in there that is really important.

its basically like this guy shows,

you set up the layout of the report with the designer, set up the database connections, then their is some code you would put in a java class that when called would pass the params you want to crystal reports and crystal reports will generate a pdf or whatever with the data in the database using the parameters chosen.

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