$mail=new PHPMailer();
$mail->Host = "ssl://smtp.gmail.com";
	$mail->Username=check($_GET['UserName'],"user id  required");
	show_error("Invalid email address");

	$mail->Password=check($_GET['pass'],"password required");
	$con=check($_GET['conpass'],"confirm password required");
	show_error("Passwords do not match");
	$_GET['rec']=check($_GET['rec'],"recipient required");
	show_error("Invalid email address");


	$mail->Body =$_GET['body'];
	if ($mail->Send() == true) {
echo 'The message has been sent at '. time();
else {
echo 'The email message has NOT been sent for some reason. Please try again later.';
echo 'Mailer error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
echo "<html>
<body bgcolor=#ECE5B6>
<h1>GMAIL PAGE</h1> 
<form action='email3.php' method='get'>
<table bgcolor=#ECD672>
<tr><td style ='background-color :#ECD672'>Sender Email Address*: <td><input type='text' style ='background-color :#ECD672'name='UserName' /><br>
<tr><td style ='background-color :#ECD672'>Password*:<td> <input style ='background-color :#ECD672'type='password' name='pass' /><br>
<tr><td style ='background-color :#ECD672'>Confirm Password*: <td><input style ='background-color :#ECD672'type='password' name='conpass' /><br>
<tr><td>Name: <td><input type='text' name='name' /><br>
<tr><td style ='background-color :#ECD672'>ReceiverAddress*:<td> <input style ='background-color :#ECD672' type='text' name='rec' /><br>
<tr><td>ReceiverName:<td> <input type='text' name='recn' /><br>
<tr><td>Subject: <td><input type='text' name='sub' /><br>
<tr ><td valign='top' style='height:200 px'>Body: <td style='height:200 px'><input type='text' name='body' style='height:200 px'><br></h2>

<input type='hidden' name='submit' value='1' /><br>
<input type='submit' value='SEND EMAIL'/><br>


function check($d,$prob='')
	if($prob &&strlen($d)==0)
	return $d;
function show_error($myError)

   echo " <html>

    <b><h1><center>Please correct the following error:</b><br />";
  echo $myError;

echo "</center></h1>


// function checke($d,$prob='')
// {
	// $d=trim($d);
	// $d=stripslashes($d);
	// $d=htmlspecialchars($d);
	// if(!preg_match($d,"^(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$"))
	// {
		// show_error($prob);
	// }
	// return $d;
// }


This is an email script I made using PHPMailer.Can soneone please suggest what features I can add and how?
Thanks Priteas in advance.
Member Avatar for diafol

Thanks Priteas in advance.

You have been summoned me old mucker!

Can soneone please suggest what features I can add and how?

What features are you looking for?

commented: Abusive language -1

Obviously, the thread is directed to our friend Priteas. Therefore, we aren't supposed to help ya in any way.. ROFL!

Obviously, the thread is directed to our friend Priteas. Therefore, we aren't supposed to help ya in any way.. ROFL!

Actually priteas helped me out with email script from the very beginning.....
I hadn't thanked him earlier so took this opportunity.
I respect everyone's opinions.
Your advice is more than welcome.

I would like to know whether how I can send the email to multiple recipients....
Also I am just a green horn in PHP ,I really don't what know kind of features are possible.
So I would appreciate your guidance on the same.And also the implementation part.

Thanks life,universe and everything.

@swissknife007.. Yeah, I ain't being against anyone here. I just pointed something out. By all means, I do respect all people in the forums.

@swissknife007.. Yeah, I ain't being against anyone here. I just pointed something out. By all means, I do respect all people in the forums.

So you do have something to suggest?

Member Avatar for diafol

Abusive language??
'Me old mucker' ain't swearing- it's a term of endearment.

Downvoting me for your lack of understanding is funny. I asked a question so that I could try to help. It seems on Priaeas will do. Anybody else seems to get a downvote.

Seeing as you start more threads than do anything else, perhaps I need to...

...welcome you to the old ignore list.

You aren't alone, ardav. I don't understand why I got downvoted for!!! haha it's too funny when one states facts that appear to be too obvious ;p

@swissknife.. NO, I do not want to suggest anything.

Good luck..

Member Avatar for diafol

Great link:

I would like to know whether how I can send the email to multiple recipients....
Also I am just a green horn in PHP ,I really don't what know kind of features are possible.
So I would appreciate your guidance on the same.And also the implementation part.

Thanks life,universe and everything.

You can use AddAddress multiple times. Most other basic features can be found in this tutorial.

Also you can think of putting stuffs in loops

@ ardav... Thanks pal for sharing this website. I think it'll help many of us with how to ask proper questions and being nice to others ;p

Member Avatar for diafol

@rotten69 - I got it from Pritaeas - he's got some cracking links in his sig.

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