I developed an ASP.NET web application using using Visual Studio .NET 2003. I developed it on a Windows XP Professional workstation. I need to deploy it on a Windows Server 2003. I installed the project on the Server by creating a Web Setup project. All the files are in the ...\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyApp folder on the Server. IIS 6 is running on the Server, and I added a new Virtual Directory under the Default Web Site. However when I try to access the web pages on the Windows 2003 Server, they can not be found/accessed using the link http://localhost/Gelatto/Default.aspx
Do you know what steps I missed or settings I need to configure in order to display the site on the Server?


where are you typing the url? on the win2k3 machine?
also have you checked that it is running as an asp.net app? Does it have an application pool on the IIS page? have you allowed asp.net to run under iis on the win2k3 machine?
Are there any other asp.net apps running on this server?
If you dont understand how to setup a Win2k3 machine for IIS and ASP.net let me know and i will give you the steps to take. It is quite simple :)

Thanks F1 Fan, I am entering the link from the Win2003 Server. I'm just trying to open the Default.aspx page from the link, and I'm not running the ASP.NET app, should I be? Can you please send me information on how to setup a Win2k3 machine for IIS and ASP.NET.


Did you enable IIS through the server management tool?
If you open IIS and expand the server, check that under web server extensions ASP.NET 1.1 is allowed.
Then on the properties for the virtual directory, make sure that on the Home Page tab the execute permissions are for Scripts only and the application pool is set to defaultapppool (you can change them later but lets get it going first)
My memory isnt too good with .net 1.1 but i think there is also a tab there saying asp.net (though it may have come along with .net 2) make sure you have your app set to use .net 1.1 on there
If these dont work then you should get some errors from the web browser and also should see some errors in the application event log and possibly the system event log too.

Let me know how you get on

F1 fan, Thanks for your help. I have the site up and running. There were two things I needed to do. 1.) Add the ASP.NET service, and configure the Virtual Directory as an application in IIS. After I did those things, the site was accessible. Thanks for your assistance.



i have done the same steps & my application is also running well on the Windows 2003 server..

Except for the user who receives a hyperlink from the application in their mailbox to perform a set of operation the hyperlink received by them is pointing towards the old server from which i transferred the whole application...


Received by the user: http://old_server/application/filename.aspx/Dynamic...

Sent through the application & should be

Any help would be highly appreciated on this...


i have done the same steps & my application is also running well on the Windows 2003 server..

Except for the user who receives a hyperlink from the application in their mailbox to perform a set of operation the hyperlink received by them is pointing towards the old server from which i transferred the whole application...


Received by the user: http://old_server/application/filename.aspx/Dynamic...

Sent through the application & should be

Any help would be highly appreciated on this...

The message in your email has the wrong base address in it. Without knowing how and where you send the email from I cannot help too much. But to send a link via an email you have to put in the full url for the user to click. Whereever you generate that url is what the problem is, you forgot to change the code to send the new server url.

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