
I need some help with summing up the total price each company owe to us.

Basically it's looking like this currently:
For English speakers,

Företag = Company
Datum = Date
Artikel = Product
Antal = Amount
Pris = Price

And then the last row
Företag = Company
Total Summa = Total sum

The code for printing out the rows is currently looking like this:

$result = mysql_query("Select Customer.Customer_Company_Name,
From Cleaning Inner Join
  CleaningRow On Cleaning.CleaningID = CleaningRow.CleaningID And
    Cleaning.CustomerID = CleaningRow.CustomerID Inner Join
  Product On CleaningRow.ProductID = Product.ProductID Inner Join
  Customer On CleaningRow.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID
Order By Customer.Customer_Company_Name");

printf ("<table>");
printf ("<tr>");
printf ("<td><b>F&ouml;retag</b></td> <td><b>Datum</b></td> <td><b>Artikel</b></td> <td><b>Antal</b></td> <td><b>Pris</b></td>");
printf ("</tr>");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
	printf("<td>{$row['Customer_Company_Name']}</td> <td>{$row['Cleaning_Date']}</td> <td>{$row['Product_Name']}</td> 
<td>{$row['CleaningRow_Product_Amount']}</td> <td>{$row['CleaningRow_Customer_Total_Price']}</td>");
	printf("<br />");
printf ("</table>");

Currently as you see it's only printing out the sum for that individual order.

What I want to print out in the last row is the total sum each company owes so something like:

Company --- Total Sum
Ericsson --- 402699 (395409 + 5985 + 1305 + 0 + 0)
IKEA --- 689100 (130500 + 558600)
SAAB --- 0 (0)

But I'm just not sure how to do this. If I store the numbers I get from CleaningRow_Customer_Total_Price in an array and sum them together I will have no clue what sum belongs to what company, and that's essentially the problem. Any help is appreciated and ask if something is unclear and I'll do my best to explain it better.

Actually, you do know what company it belongs to. Your results are ordered by the company name. So you could do something like this (within the while loop):

//before while:
$totals = array ();

//inside while:
if (!isset($totals[$row['Customer_Company_Name']])) {
  $totals[$row['Customer_Company_Name']] = 0;
$totals[$row['Customer_Company_Name']] += $row['CleaningRow_Customer_Total_Price'];

// after the while:
print_r($totals); // for quick check

Actually, you do know what company it belongs to. Your results are ordered by the company name. So you could do something like this (within the while loop):

//before while:
$totals = array ();

//inside while:
if (!isset($totals[$row['Customer_Company_Name']])) {
  $totals[$row['Customer_Company_Name']] = 0;
$totals[$row['Customer_Company_Name']] += $row['CleaningRow_Customer_Total_Price'];

// after the while:
print_r($totals); // for quick check

Thank you! After a little while I got it working just like I wanted. You were a huge help! Tagging this as solved. :)

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