Hi all,
m a .net programmer, fairly new to php
can anyone explain me (m not asking to explain in detail) this php code. its in the index.php of an application.
I am not gonna irritate you by posting the whole code. so here's the outline:

    if(!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')){
        return _il_exec();
        more code was here but i am not posting here to keep it short
        die('The file '.__FILE__." is corrupted.\n");
        return _il_exec();
    echo('Site error: the file <b>'.__FILE__.'</b> requires the ionCube PHP Loader '.basename($__ln).' to be installed by the site administrator.');
    ######################################## and so on this encrypted THING goes on for like 20 more lines

there's nothing else in the file..
i can't seem to figure out what's with the encrypted thing
any help is appreciated

'ionCube Loader'

This protects the PHP code on your website, as you can see above. You can see it as a kind of compiled code.

thnx pritaeas.. i just came to know that posting such encrypted code is sort of illegal.. so i'd be grateful if you or some other mod can edit/delete my post to remove that part..

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