My friend and I want to test a page which I am creating. He is going to suggest the design bits. But I am not willing to put it online yet. How can we share it? It will require HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. These are all the problems, in a list format-

  • He lives somewhere else, so he can't come here. :(
  • I don't want to put a testing website online, where everyone can see it.
  • Everything must be supported on HIS computer as well.
  • He cannot download anything. So the option of XAMPP is ruled or out. (or WampSever for that matter).

So how can I ( or we ) do it?

Get a third party hosting solution, like godaddy or someting like that and share the admin access with him.

Why don't host on your PC and share your IP with him (you may have to configure your firewall and router, if any)

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