I have a variable called $file, this is from a GET query. I need the variable $file_humanreadto be equal to whatever file is with humanname appended.
For example, if file is equal to 'test', I need the variable $file_humanread to be equal to $test_humanread, which is set already.

I've tried:
$file_humanread= $file, "_humanread"
But when I echo the variable it comes out as: _humanread It should have echoed the contents of the variable $test_humanread, which is 'Foo Bar'

Member Avatar for LastMitch

But when I echo the variable it comes out as: _humanread It should have echoed the contents of the variable $test_humanread, which is 'Foo Bar'

Can you post a little more code.

This 1 line is not very helpful:

$file_humanread= $file, "_humanread"

The reason why I ask is because I don't know if you are using a form to get the the data or what is the variable in $file?

Member Avatar for diafol

You can use $$ to set var names.

Fixed with $file_humanread = ${$file . "humanread"};

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