Creating a website is a great way to take your business to a higher level and get tremendous success in the online business world. But all your desires prove futile when you make a grave mistake in choosing a right host to create your websites as per your requirements. There are lots of people that run websites business offer disastrous services to their clients and ultimately they won’t get what they want. I like playing badminton but it can’t make me a badminton player unless I put the required dedication and determination in it. Likewise, one cannot be a web designer just because he likes it or it was his childhood dream. You should be passionate enough to achieve your goals in life. To become an expert in web design, sufficient knowledge, practice and effort are needed. There are plenty of reasons that restrict your website to work properly. Here I am presenting you with some of those vital reasons for which your website sucks with exclusive solutions so that you are able to kick off those issues in a flash.

Outdated web design: Your website needs to be redesigned from time to time depending on the latest trends. It is 2013. Get yourself out of the late 20s world. Get rid of the beveled-edge tables, animated gifs and frames. Input available website building programs and website templates on your web account to give it a custom touch.

Not having Google Webmaster Tools: These tools get you lots of information from Google directly and it will let you know whether your website is breaking any SEO terms and conditions. It is a free tool. Register now!!

Relevant Information is being Masked: New visitors stay on your page for few seconds if they won’t find any interesting or relevant topics that they are wanting. Important information regarding your brand should be opened to them as soon as they enter on your website to stick to it.

Your Site Lacks the Cross-browser Compatibility: One single browser won’t let your site run well in all the browsers. You can use software program like Browser shots to check that your website appears all the same to all your viewers.

Your Design Elements Forbid Proper Search Engine Indexing: Search engine indexing allows the visitors to access your web account. If you find that the content of your site does not appear in SEO then examine your code to know the reason behind this so that your website becomes accessible to the users.

Having Too Many Broken Links: Broken links offer shortcomings from SEO perspective. It frustrates the user too that depends on your internal links so that they get the content they wanted. You can get large number of broken link checking tools that might help you removing the broken links from your site.

Using too Many and Unnecessary Ads: It is true that ads help you getting extra revenue to run your website business. But sometimes it has negative impact when it has been abused and this limits the number of online visitors visiting your web account.

Lacking white Space: Enough white space should be provided to make your texts readable to the users. Putting too much elements whether it is text or website templates in a single page irritates the visitors and lets them get out of the page before involving in a business with you.

Difficulty in Reading Your Text: The text that you have put on your page must be clear and visible so that the users can easily go through it. Otherwise there is a huge chance to lose a customer as none of us has enough time to stick to a single page for a long time and get the necessary details.

Flash intro Feature: The splash pages frustrate the users as it does not let the mobile devices to get accessible to your page as it restricts supporting the animation software program.

No Adding Calls-to-action Feature: Adding calls-to action feature is vital to run your online business as it enables the customer to get them known about your products or buying your products or signing up to your website. If they sign up to your website, you will be able to get them aware of your products from time to time.

Improper choice of colors: Each color suggests different meaning and emotions. A single color does not go with everything. That is why great care should be taken while choosing the color for designing your websites. Study of the principles of color is important. For instance, a finance website with purple and red colors will look awful and unprofessional. Instead, it should use green as this color stands for wealth.

Social Sharing Tools are not Installed on your Site: Social sharing tools helps in brand promotion as it enables the visitors to share your posts to other social networking sites.

Diverting Web Designs: Your web design should be such so that it matches the content for which you have created your web account. Suppose if you have created a web account for business purpose, them it should be such that it might look professional and should talk for your brand company. You can take the help of “5 second test” to confirm whether the web design has gone out of the track.
Auto-plays Video or Audio Clips: Visitors get most irritated when an audio or video clip gets started automatically and it can lead to losing a client at the very moment. As soon as the audio or video clip starts playing when they don’t want, they click away from your website.

Your Site’s Platform and Plugins is Old-fashioned: Outdated plugins and platforms make your site unsecured and generate user experience problems. So to ignore all this, it is better to check carefully that the scripts you are about to upload are not out-of-date.

Disarrangement of Site’s Content: Your website contents should be organized enough so that the users do not have to put effort in finding what they want moving from page to page.

Your Website does not Support Mobile Devices: Most of us do web browsing on our mobile. So to get a large number of viewers, your site must have the capacity to be displayed on mobiles. Tools like GoMobi allow you to create a mobile-ready website.

Slow Loading: If it takes a long time to open a single page of your site than you are likely to lose your clients at the very moment. There are lots of things that you can do to improve the performance of your site.

Grammatical Errors and Misspellings: Your content should be devoid of grammatical errors and misspellings. I myself won’t spend a single minute of mine on a site that is full of errors. So check well before putting the content on it. You can ask someone good in English grammar to go through your text. Your content should have some unique features that will let the clients coming to you other than others.

Your site have not been Updated since Months: If you don’t update your sites more often then it fails to attract more visitors. To avoid slow traffic, update new articles, posts and other news update.

Navigation Issue: Your site should be navigable enough so that the users can find out their required information with ease. To check whether your navigation bar is working efficiently, ask someone to search a definite piece of information. If it takes more than a minute then there is surely a problem with your site’s navigation bar.

All the points mentioned above are some of the essential reasons for which your websites sucks most often. Most of the hurdles you can overcome easily by talking with your web developer and some of them, you can solve all by yourself. It may take time but it is very important to do certain changes on your website to enhance the site’s overall performance and to get the best possible visitors and customers. If you consider all the above points, then success is inevitable.

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All the points mentioned above are some of the essential reasons for which your websites sucks most often. Most of the hurdles you can overcome easily by talking with your web developer and some of them, you can solve all by yourself. It may take time but it is very important to do certain changes on your website to enhance the site’s overall performance and to get the best possible visitors and customers. If you consider all the above points, then success is inevitable.

I guess you are sharing your experience and giving your opinion on certain things on why a website fail.

This is quite informative... this should help some people out.

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