hi guys...i need help from u guys..my prob is about select option..i'm not good in english. hopefully u guys would understand my english..:(..please help me..:'(..im still new in php..

i want to select a state then a branch will auto will appear if related..i only want if one state is choose, only the branch of the state will appear. not all branch will appear together.

1) how to make it success?
2) i have use onchange event. but i doesn't work! so would i do?
3) where do i put the onchange event? where do i put the function of onchange event?
4) how to write a function related to state and branch?

this code for NEGERI - state

 <select name="NEGERI" class="select" id="NEGERI"  onchange="myFunction(this.value)">
            <option value ="0">-- Sila Pilih --</option>


                        //$sql = "SELECT * FROM negeri where FLAG=1 ORDER BY negeri ASC";
                        $sql = $sql = "SELECT * FROM negeri WHERE negeri_id ='".$negeri."' FLAG=1 ORDER BY negeri ASC";

                        $result_groups = mysql_query($sql);
                        $result_group_member = mysql_num_rows ($result_groups);

                        if($result_group_number > 0)  {
                            while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_group))  {

                            if ($negeri == $myrow["negeri_id"])
                                echo "<option value = ".$myrow["negeri_id"]." selected > ".$myrow["negeri"]."</option>\n";

                            else "<option value =".$myrow["negeri_id"].">".$myrow["negeri"]."</option\n";
              <td height="21" bgcolor="#D0F0C0" class="style21"></td>
              <td bgcolor="#D0F0C0" class="style21"><div align="left"><b>Cawangan</b></div></td>
              <td bgcolor="#D0F0C0" class="style21"><b>:</b></td>
              <td bgcolor="#D0F0C0">
                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM negeri_cawangan WHERE  cawangan_id = '".$CAWANGAN."'  FLAG=1 ORDER BY cawangan ASC";

                    $result_groups = mysql_query($sql);
                     $result_group_number = mysql_num_rows($result_groups);

                     if($result_group_number > 0) {
                     while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_groups)) { 


                    //if (isset($somevariable) && $somevariable === 1) {
                        if ($cawangan ==  $myrow["cawangan_id"]) {
                        echo "<option value=".$myrow["cawangan_id"]." selected > ".$myrow["cawangan"]."</option>\n";
                        echo "<option value = ".$myrow["cawangan_id"]." > ".$myrow["cawangan"]."</option>\n";

this code for CAWANGAN = branch

 <select name="NEGERI" class="select" id="NEGERI"  onchange="myFunction(this.value)">
            <option value ="0">-- Sila Pilih --</option>


                        //$sql = "SELECT * FROM negeri where FLAG=1 ORDER BY negeri ASC";
                        $sql = $sql = "SELECT * FROM negeri WHERE negeri_id ='".$negeri."' FLAG=1 ORDER BY negeri ASC";

                        $result_groups = mysql_query($sql);
                        $result_group_member = mysql_num_rows ($result_groups);

                        if($result_group_number > 0)  {
                            while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_group))  {

                            if ($negeri == $myrow["negeri_id"])
                                echo "<option value = ".$myrow["negeri_id"]." selected > ".$myrow["negeri"]."</option>\n";

                            else "<option value =".$myrow["negeri_id"].">".$myrow["negeri"]."</option\n";
              <td height="21" bgcolor="#D0F0C0" class="style21"></td>
              <td bgcolor="#D0F0C0" class="style21"><div align="left"><b>Cawangan</b></div></td>
              <td bgcolor="#D0F0C0" class="style21"><b>:</b></td>
              <td bgcolor="#D0F0C0">
                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM negeri_cawangan WHERE  cawangan_id = '".$CAWANGAN."'  FLAG=1 ORDER BY cawangan ASC";

                    $result_groups = mysql_query($sql);
                     $result_group_number = mysql_num_rows($result_groups);

                     if($result_group_number > 0) {
                     while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_groups)) { 


                    //if (isset($somevariable) && $somevariable === 1) {
                        if ($cawangan ==  $myrow["cawangan_id"]) {
                        echo "<option value=".$myrow["cawangan_id"]." selected > ".$myrow["cawangan"]."</option>\n";
                        echo "<option value = ".$myrow["cawangan_id"]." > ".$myrow["cawangan"]."</option>\n";


As I understood, you want to have nested combo boxes where the child combo box gets repopulated when the parent combo box gets changed.
I am sorry if I misunderstood your question.

my question is about how to make a state select then the branch will appear together if related?
for state it will become --> JOHOR MELAKA KEDAH..etc

for branch has it own code and name also..for example --> 01011021 YONG PENG 01041011 KOTA TINGGI


the 'state' also have own code eg: KEDAH (02), JOHOR (01)...so from the code it would call code from the 'branch'..but i do not know how to use and call the onchange event?

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