I think php is a hardar part of programming. But wanna step forward in this field. please assist me all of my friends around.

Learning part you can do yourself locally or online best website to learn is w3schools.com and while learning if you feel you are stuck somewhere you can come back to Daniweb .You cant find persons to teach you hear but you can surly find many persons to assist you while learning.

If you are really serious about your question and willing to invest a $1.99 for a good used PHP book. Look for the book entitled Programming PHP(second edition) by Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe,Peter MacIntyre. It is currently on sale for $1.99 at barnes&noble.

You can also look for the PHP books published by O'Reilly Media. I highly recommend the coverage of O'Reilly on the arrays.

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Programming PHP (second edition) was published in 2006. A lot of water under the bridge in 8 years. Just sayin'

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