Sir I have these 2 tables (Arrival+Pouring) shown in Attachment

I create result table with this query

select,sum(nvl(cx.purchase-cx.sold,0))  as opening,c1.purchase,c1.sold,;
        sum(nvl(cx.purchase-cx.sold,0)) + c1.purchase-c1.sold as closing ;
    from ;
        (select NVL(, as date,CAST(NVL(a.qty,0) as integer) as purchase,;
        CAST(NVL(b.qty,0) as integer) as sold from purchase a FULL JOIN sold b ON = order by 1) c1 ;
    left join;
     (select NVL(, as date,CAST(NVL(a.qty,0) as integer) as purchase,;
     CAST(NVL(b.qty,0) as integer) as sold from purchase a FULL JOIN sold b ON = order by 1) cx ;
     group by,c1.purchase,c1.sold

The query work fine to get opening and closing balance.
But I want to use PHP Codes like array and echo etc to show result.

Please help me to convert the query into php codes.


You may also have to reveal if the output in your picture was the result of some Word document, HTML, LaTex or other system.
Complete your "specification" since PHP output can be text or other depending on your php foo.

Sir, I prepared an Excel Sheet for result. I enter accuarate result to show you what out put i need.

acutally I need this type of codes


echo "<table><tr><td>Date</td><td>Opening</td><td>Purchase</td><td>Sold</td><td>Closing</td></tr>";
echo $stock[$loop]["date"]=$row["date"];
echo "</table>"

I think you want a HTML result so next time be sure to reveal that in your post or spec. You used Excel so that's fine but PHP to Excel files is a whole ball game.

What's up with your current PHP code? Since I can't put it into some PHP fiddle I can't check it for you.

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