
Please I have a problem inserting record to mysql database, it always shows this error " Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\wamp\www"

here is my code



             $member_insert= "INSERT INTO members(member_first,member_lastname,sex,member_type,m_address1,m_address2,city,state,m_phone1,m_email1,added_by)"
                     . " VALUES ('$member_dat1','$member_dat2','$member_dat3','$member_dat4','$member_dat5','$member_dat6','$member_dat7','$member_dat8','$member_dat9','$member_dat10','$member_dat11')";

            /* @var $connection type */
             $result = mysqli_query($connection, $member_insert);
                // execute the SQL statement
             if ($result) {
             echo "Congratulations <b> $_POST[member_first] </b> your Registration is successful!";
             } else {
             echo "Sorry! User Registration Fail";



My connection to database is ok but i still get the error message.

            what is the appropraite way of inserting into MySqli using mysqli_query().

            see my code below
            $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "grut", "m_crm");

             $result = mysqli_query($link, $member_insert );

             if ($result) {
             echo "Congratulations <b> $_POST[member_first] </b> your Registration is successful!";
             } else {
             echo  "Sorry! User Registration Fail";


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This is flying in the face of logic. Cereal pointed out the issue. $connection as a passed param is NULL. What does that tell you? That your connection is fine? By the time you come to execute the query, $connection is NULL regardless if you set it upstream (or think you did).

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