I need like,


The customer chooses selected courier service and enters tracking id then clicks its redirect to the appropriate courier service website.

eg: If tracking id 12345 the redirect link should be https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/index.html?tracknumbers=12345&cntry_code=in

How to do for India courier services?

The last time a developer needed Fedex tracking they used their API. And if they didn't understand the API then they contacted Fedex.

However I'm running into developers that either don't write code (?!) or don't want to work with the API or its owner. Seems today's developers can be one odd lot.

yes you can use it similarly like https://anycouriertracking.com/st-courier-tracking/ are doing. They are basically creating apis + python for tracking the couriers. Hopefully it helps. You can also get already built api's online. afterdispatch is a good example for it. In addition to this there are a lot of many other websites. However you can face issues if the courier companies arent allowing api's to connect to them and fetch data. In that case you will be hanging at point blank.

The last time a developer needed Fedex tracking they used their API. And if they didn't understand the API then they contacted Fedex.

The OP was specifically looking for something similar to the FedEx API but for courier services that operate throughout India. From what I can tell, FedEx operates in India as an international-only courier service (e.g. shipping to/from India to overseas).

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