Hi, We are an educational institute. We are looking to implement something unique, we want to add multiple forms/surveys on the same page, we want each feedback form/survey under student name and rank so they can easily provide the feedback and then that feedback should be displayed on the same page with that student name with other details of the student.

We have discussed this with multiple developers but they are not able to provide exactly what we are looking for and also that option seems to be costly, so if there any tool that can help us make this happen with minimum cost?

Page we want help with is https://www.rauias.com/about-raus-ias/our-results

Need a solution as soon as possible. We are open to talking with developers provided they can help us.

If I understand you correctly, what you're asking for is custom development work. If you don't already have an in-house developer working on your website who is capable of doing this, you most likely will need to go the custom consulting route. You can use freelance services such as Upwork or Toptal. I've personally had good experiences with Upwork in the past. Yes, this can get expensive. Most companies that need frequent work done to their website have an in-house developer or small team, as there tends to always be stuff to work on (technical SEO, etc.).

If you want a super simple, and inexpensive, survey system, use the world famous SurveyMonkey.

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