How can I remove the URL information that is printed at the bottom of the page when a Web page is being printed ? Can this be done by Javascript or any programming method ?

No. This is a browser function that cannot be affected by JavaScript. It is up to the user to configure this themselves.

Make the thing in microsoft word, and upload it as a microsoft word, and have a javascipt print target link to it! :-)

Why do you want to hide the url? That sounds very selfish.

What's selfish about it ? It's for an Intranet application and generating some reports to a browser and printing it. Printing the URL at the bottom looks both silly and unprofessional.

And even it was for some Web site, why should I print the URL at the bottom ? It is not a part of the document.

If it is an intranet you can specify to users to turn this feature off themselves.

Ah, printing on a printer. I thought you meant you wanted to stop it from printing it on the screen in the status bar, when you said "below." (Our systems put the url on the top line of the paper. The date and page count are on the bottom.)

What the printer prints on paper is determined by the browser itself, the local browser settings (page setup), and the local printer driver settings.

If you are the system administrator, you can change these settings on each user's computer, and possibly protect them from user changes.

But as a webmaster operating over the internet, you have no right to change these settings. They belong to the owner of the client computer.

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In IE Browser,Goto File--> Page Setup --> in the Page Setup window, have Group box name as "Header and Footer" under this "Footer" text box in text "&u&b&d" will availble. Just remove the "&u" then automatically URL will remove from Bottom of the Printed Page.:)

How can I remove the URL information that is printed at the bottom of the page when a Web page is being printed ? Can this be done by Javascript or any programming method ?

To disable this, you can simply change the Header & Footer options in Internet Explorer. While in IE, click on File > Page Setup, and locate the Header & Footer fields. You may see text such as:

"&w&bPage &p of &P" or "&u&b&d"

Simply remove the parameters you wish to hide when printing, then click "OK" to save the changes. Next time you print a web page (an order for example) the URL to the actual page will not appear.

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