Hi there:
This specific to the messages posted by members for various sections on this forum.
when I read through the message text, and if the member has typed in some link of other site, on mouse over of this link i see small image of the link contents.
I wanted to know how to do that?
Are the images stored in the database and shown on mouse over or its something else.

Something like this?

Yes. Thats what i am looking for.

Something like this?

I am looking to have the mouseover affect you showcased above. How can I accomplsih this?
Thanks in advance

can anybudy give me the javascript code for show image of the link on mouse over.

There exist such a service, Very short code, easy to install and customisable


or You can Host And use This code


Link Thumbnail v2.0.1
(c) Arc90, Inc.


Licensed under : Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/


/* Globals */
var arc90_navigator = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var arc90_isOpera = arc90_navigator.indexOf('opera') >= 0? true: false;
var arc90_isIE = arc90_navigator.indexOf('msie') >= 0 && !arc90_isOpera? true: false;
var arc90_isSafari = arc90_navigator.indexOf('safari') >= 0 || arc90_navigator.indexOf('khtml') >= 0? true: false;
var arc90_linkThumbUseClassName = true;

var arc90_linksources = [['http://images.websnapr.com/?size=s&url=', 202, 152],
						  ['http://thumbnails.alexa.com/image_server.cgi?size=small&url=', 160, 120],
						  ['http://msnsearch.srv.girafa.com/srv/i?s=MSNSEARCH&r=', 160, 120]];
var arc90_linksource = 0;

function arc90_linkpic() {
	var b = document.domain;
	var A = document.getElementsByTagName('A');

	for (var i = 0, l = A.length, c = 0; i < l; i++) {
		var a = A[i];
		var h = a.href;
		if ((b == '' || h.indexOf(b) < 0) && h.indexOf('://') > 0 && ((arc90_linkThumbUseClassName && a.className.indexOf('linkthumb') >= 0) || !arc90_linkThumbUseClassName)) {
			try {
				a.className += ' arc90_linkpicLNK';
				if (a.id == '')
					a.id = 'arc90_link'+ i;
				var d = arc90_newNode('div', 'arc90_linkpic'+ i, 'arc90_linkpic');
				var m = arc90_newNode('img', '', 'arc90_linkpicIMG');
				// var n = h.replace(/[^:]*:\/\/([^:\/]*)(:{0,1}\/{1}.*)/, '$1');
				var n = escape(h);
				m.src = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][0] + n;
				m.width = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][1];
				m.height = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][2];
				m.style.width = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][1] +'px';
				m.style.height = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][2] +'px';
				m.border = 0;
				m.alt = '[Picture of '+ n +']';
				m.title = a.title;
				d.style.zIndex = '9999';
				d.style.position = 'absolute';


				arc90_addEvent(a, 'mouseover',	function () { arc90_showThumb(arc90_isIE? event.srcElement.id: this.id); } );
				arc90_addEvent(a, 'mouseout',	function () { arc90_hideThumb(arc90_isIE? event.srcElement.id: this.id); } );
			} catch(err) {
				a = null;

function arc90_showThumb(id) {
	try {
		var k = document.getElementById(id);
		var top = arc90_findDimension(k, 'Top');
		var lnh = arc90_getStyle(k, 'lineHeight', 'font-size');
		var default_height = 20;

		if (!lnh)
			lnh = default_height;
		else if (lnh.indexOf('pt') > 0)
			lnh = parseInt(lnh) * 1.3;
		else if (lnh.indexOf('em') > 0)
			lnh = parseInt(lnh) * 10;
		else if (lnh.indexOf('px') > 0)
			lnh = parseInt(lnh);
		else if (arc90_isNumeric(lnh))
			lnh = parseInt(arc90_isIE? lnh * 10: arc90_isOpera? lnh/100: lnh); // IE brings back em units
			lnh = default_height;
		var lft = arc90_findDimension(k, 'Left');
		var nlf = arc90_findMatchingDimensionViaNodes(k, 'Left', lft, 0);
		var pid = id.replace(/arc90_link/, 'arc90_linkpic');
		var p = document.getElementById(pid);
		p.style.display = 'block';
		p.style.top = (top + (arc90_isIE && nlf? lnh + 8: 4) + lnh) + 'px';
		p.style.left = lft + 'px';
	} catch(err) { return; }

function arc90_hideThumb(id) {
	try {
		var k = document.getElementById(id);
		var pid = id.replace(/arc90_link/, 'arc90_linkpic');
		var p = document.getElementById(pid);
		p.style.display = 'none';
	} catch(err) { return; }

function arc90_getStyle(obj, styleIE, styleMoz) {
	if (arc90_isString(obj)) obj = document.getElementById(obj);
	if (obj.currentStyle)
		return obj.currentStyle[styleIE];
	else if (window.getComputedStyle)
		return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue(styleMoz);

function arc90_findDimension(obj, pType) {
	if (arc90_isString(obj)) obj = document.getElementById(obj);
	var cur = 0;
		while(obj.offsetParent) {
			switch(pType.toLowerCase()) {
			case "width":
				cur += obj.offsetWidth; break;
			case "height":
				cur += obj.offsetHeight; break;
			case "top":
				cur += obj.offsetTop; break;
			case "left":
				cur += obj.offsetLeft; break;
			obj = obj.offsetParent;
	return cur;

function arc90_findMatchingDimensionViaNodes(obj, pType, matching, notMatching) {
	var cur = 0, counter = 0;
	notMatching = notMatching == null? -1: notMatching;
		while(obj.parentNode) {
			cur = arc90_findDimension(obj, pType);
			if (cur == matching && cur != notMatching)
			if (counter >= 2) return true;
			obj = obj.parentNode;
	return false;

/* Events */
function arc90_isString(o) { return (typeof(o) == "string"); }

function arc90_isNumeric(o) { return (typeof(parseFloat(o).toString() == 'NaN'? 'xxx': parseFloat(o)) == "number" && parseFloat(o) != ''); }

function arc90_addEvent(e, meth, func, cap) {
	if (arc90_isString(e))	e = document.getElementById(e);

	if (e.addEventListener){
		e.addEventListener(meth, func, cap);
    	return true;
	}	else if (e.attachEvent)
		return e.attachEvent("on"+ meth, func);
	return false;

/* Nodes */
function arc90_newNode(t, i, s, x, c) {
	var node = document.createElement(t);
	if (x != null && x != '') {
		var n = document.createTextNode(x);
	if (i != null && i != '')
		node.id = i;
	if (s != null && s != '')
		node.className = s;
	if (c != null && c != '')
	return node;

/* Onload */
arc90_addEvent(window, 'load', arc90_linkpic);

thnx inny

Your Most welcome, Quick easy help Is always Nice! :)

very informative posts for me. thanks to all.

Hi Inny ,

I tried ur examples given for thumbnail showing on links. These are working for links which are static but not working for dynamic links (links which are given in DHTML)

Please help me out.

There exist such a service, Very short code, easy to install and customisable


or You can Host And use This code


Link Thumbnail v2.0.1
(c) Arc90, Inc.


Licensed under : Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/


/* Globals */
var arc90_navigator = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var arc90_isOpera = arc90_navigator.indexOf('opera') >= 0? true: false;
var arc90_isIE = arc90_navigator.indexOf('msie') >= 0 && !arc90_isOpera? true: false;
var arc90_isSafari = arc90_navigator.indexOf('safari') >= 0 || arc90_navigator.indexOf('khtml') >= 0? true: false;
var arc90_linkThumbUseClassName = true;

var arc90_linksources = [['http://images.websnapr.com/?size=s&url=', 202, 152],
						  ['http://thumbnails.alexa.com/image_server.cgi?size=small&url=', 160, 120],
						  ['http://msnsearch.srv.girafa.com/srv/i?s=MSNSEARCH&r=', 160, 120]];
var arc90_linksource = 0;

function arc90_linkpic() {
	var b = document.domain;
	var A = document.getElementsByTagName('A');

	for (var i = 0, l = A.length, c = 0; i < l; i++) {
		var a = A[i];
		var h = a.href;
		if ((b == '' || h.indexOf(b) < 0) && h.indexOf('://') > 0 && ((arc90_linkThumbUseClassName && a.className.indexOf('linkthumb') >= 0) || !arc90_linkThumbUseClassName)) {
			try {
				a.className += ' arc90_linkpicLNK';
				if (a.id == '')
					a.id = 'arc90_link'+ i;
				var d = arc90_newNode('div', 'arc90_linkpic'+ i, 'arc90_linkpic');
				var m = arc90_newNode('img', '', 'arc90_linkpicIMG');
				// var n = h.replace(/[^:]*:\/\/([^:\/]*)(:{0,1}\/{1}.*)/, '$1');
				var n = escape(h);
				m.src = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][0] + n;
				m.width = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][1];
				m.height = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][2];
				m.style.width = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][1] +'px';
				m.style.height = arc90_linksources[arc90_linksource][2] +'px';
				m.border = 0;
				m.alt = '[Picture of '+ n +']';
				m.title = a.title;
				d.style.zIndex = '9999';
				d.style.position = 'absolute';


				arc90_addEvent(a, 'mouseover',	function () { arc90_showThumb(arc90_isIE? event.srcElement.id: this.id); } );
				arc90_addEvent(a, 'mouseout',	function () { arc90_hideThumb(arc90_isIE? event.srcElement.id: this.id); } );
			} catch(err) {
				a = null;

function arc90_showThumb(id) {
	try {
		var k = document.getElementById(id);
		var top = arc90_findDimension(k, 'Top');
		var lnh = arc90_getStyle(k, 'lineHeight', 'font-size');
		var default_height = 20;

		if (!lnh)
			lnh = default_height;
		else if (lnh.indexOf('pt') > 0)
			lnh = parseInt(lnh) * 1.3;
		else if (lnh.indexOf('em') > 0)
			lnh = parseInt(lnh) * 10;
		else if (lnh.indexOf('px') > 0)
			lnh = parseInt(lnh);
		else if (arc90_isNumeric(lnh))
			lnh = parseInt(arc90_isIE? lnh * 10: arc90_isOpera? lnh/100: lnh); // IE brings back em units
			lnh = default_height;
		var lft = arc90_findDimension(k, 'Left');
		var nlf = arc90_findMatchingDimensionViaNodes(k, 'Left', lft, 0);
		var pid = id.replace(/arc90_link/, 'arc90_linkpic');
		var p = document.getElementById(pid);
		p.style.display = 'block';
		p.style.top = (top + (arc90_isIE && nlf? lnh + 8: 4) + lnh) + 'px';
		p.style.left = lft + 'px';
	} catch(err) { return; }

function arc90_hideThumb(id) {
	try {
		var k = document.getElementById(id);
		var pid = id.replace(/arc90_link/, 'arc90_linkpic');
		var p = document.getElementById(pid);
		p.style.display = 'none';
	} catch(err) { return; }

function arc90_getStyle(obj, styleIE, styleMoz) {
	if (arc90_isString(obj)) obj = document.getElementById(obj);
	if (obj.currentStyle)
		return obj.currentStyle[styleIE];
	else if (window.getComputedStyle)
		return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue(styleMoz);

function arc90_findDimension(obj, pType) {
	if (arc90_isString(obj)) obj = document.getElementById(obj);
	var cur = 0;
		while(obj.offsetParent) {
			switch(pType.toLowerCase()) {
			case "width":
				cur += obj.offsetWidth; break;
			case "height":
				cur += obj.offsetHeight; break;
			case "top":
				cur += obj.offsetTop; break;
			case "left":
				cur += obj.offsetLeft; break;
			obj = obj.offsetParent;
	return cur;

function arc90_findMatchingDimensionViaNodes(obj, pType, matching, notMatching) {
	var cur = 0, counter = 0;
	notMatching = notMatching == null? -1: notMatching;
		while(obj.parentNode) {
			cur = arc90_findDimension(obj, pType);
			if (cur == matching && cur != notMatching)
			if (counter >= 2) return true;
			obj = obj.parentNode;
	return false;

/* Events */
function arc90_isString(o) { return (typeof(o) == "string"); }

function arc90_isNumeric(o) { return (typeof(parseFloat(o).toString() == 'NaN'? 'xxx': parseFloat(o)) == "number" && parseFloat(o) != ''); }

function arc90_addEvent(e, meth, func, cap) {
	if (arc90_isString(e))	e = document.getElementById(e);

	if (e.addEventListener){
		e.addEventListener(meth, func, cap);
    	return true;
	}	else if (e.attachEvent)
		return e.attachEvent("on"+ meth, func);
	return false;

/* Nodes */
function arc90_newNode(t, i, s, x, c) {
	var node = document.createElement(t);
	if (x != null && x != '') {
		var n = document.createTextNode(x);
	if (i != null && i != '')
		node.id = i;
	if (s != null && s != '')
		node.className = s;
	if (c != null && c != '')
	return node;

/* Onload */
arc90_addEvent(window, 'load', arc90_linkpic);
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