Hi Everybody...
I'm very new and this is my 1st time using VB Studio,I would like to create a forum using ASP.net.
Please help and guide me..
Thank you in advance

Why do you need to create a forum??? No one does, you can download and install free forums to your website very quickly and easily :)

hmmmm, unless you have this as homework... tell us what you know so that we can give you a small list of stuff you need to learn...

Creating a forum sounds like a fun project. I've not tried it myself, though I've thought about it several times. It'll be a bit of work though...

You'll need to decide how to structure your database. You'll need data for users, forums (and subforums), threads, and posts. The last 2 could be combined if you're clever about it (I think... like I said, I haven't tried). Getting that to work right is possibly the harder part.

After that, you can probably use a few data controls to render the data to the user. I'm still pretty new to ASP too, so I have no idea what control might be easiest...

Why do you need to create a forum??? No one does, you can download and install free forums to your website very quickly and easily :)

hmmmm, unless you have this as homework... tell us what you know so that we can give you a small list of stuff you need to learn...

hi zmariow!
Thank you for your reply, i really appreciate it alot.Well it is my my final year project for my degree course that i'm doing in my university.
maybe you can help me both
1)Download and install free
2)How to create ownself

This is because i need to present and explain to the panels how i created it.

Thank you

Hi edwin_panther,
You can download DotNetNuke from www.dotnetnuke.com and have yourself a free forum (Of course DNN comes with many more features)
To write your own forum check the comment posted by Infarction previously... it's a good introduction.
Brieftly, you'll need to create users and threads at the very least. That east you should have a users table in the database and a threads table... And then go from there and add all the features you need.

Good luck :)

Hi everybody and all the kind people in this Forum!
Can anybody please help me or give me with a guideline(books,notes,pdf file,intructions & etc) from A-Z how do i create an ASP.NET Forum,its is for my University Project.I have to create it myself using ASP and not a free downloaded version of forum.10q!!!

I recommend you read my previous post. There aren't any books like Building A Forum For Dummies because there's already a ton of forum software out there, and likely most of them are better tested and packaged than what you'll be making. So, you'll have to do it from scratch. You need to decide how to model your data, make the database, and then build your interface to it.

How do i read and find your previous post and all the information regarding that

Man it is the third post in this thread... just scroll up!!!!

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