105 Topics

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i have my program outputting a number grid that is nxn. i have it using a 2d array to output my grid but the issue im having is that when the user wants to input a number that is in the nxn grid, the value is not being replaced by …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tKc

I need help in using 2d arrays in c++. I want to output a table that looks like this 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for gujuplayer

I am not understanding how to convert a 2d array from c to Mips assembly. Like if you had int array[5][2]={{1,1},{2,2},{3,3},{4,4},{5,5}} how would you convert that to Mips assembly and access it like x=array[i][0] & y=array[i][0]?

Member Avatar for gingerfish

Hello I have a code here. it generates random 2d array [B]kMean[2][3][/B] and then this program calculates the distance between random generated [B]kMean[2][3][/B]s and [B]data[][][/B]. but the problem is, when the random kMean is 1, then it calculates the distance, but when the number or kMean becomes more than one, …

Member Avatar for gingerfish
Member Avatar for Lord_Migit

hey folks, i have a problem which seems to be reasonably simple but i havnt managed to figure it out yet. Iv read alot of the other threads on this but i still havnt found one that iv both understood and solved my problem. So here goes... Its concerning returning …

Member Avatar for Lord_Migit
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=right]16339[/ATTACH]3D technology is quickly becoming a must-have feature for TVs, monitors, and cameras. It may end up being a fad, but 3D still has a long way to go before it's fate is decided. One venue that has yet to be explored from a retail standpoint is dual-2D projections from …

Member Avatar for leverin4

Is it possible to rewrite the following VB.NET code in VB6? [CODE]Dim Names(,) As String = New String(,) {{"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, …

Member Avatar for leverin4
Member Avatar for sasTReSS

Hello everyone, i have a problem in my code. I want to make 2D vector with type char and the char read from a file, because i want to make it as dynamic array regarding the size of input can be different. Here is my file: bla.txt ------------------------------ K1, K2. …

Member Avatar for sasTReSS
Member Avatar for gkaykck

[CODE] char in[100], *temp[10],var[10][10]; int i, n = 0,fulval=0; double val[10]; var[10][]="ANS"; [/CODE] it should be simple but i cannot figure it out. I want to assign "ANS" to var[0][0,1,2] but it did not work?

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Member Avatar for codecx

I'm almost done making a 2D game (and yes I'm sorta a newb) and I still haven't figured out how to delete an entity. Instead, as a place holder, I set the texture path to "" and all the variables to 0. I am using a class and here is …

Member Avatar for codecx
Member Avatar for jman212

I have this 2d array that sorts the rows but i can't sort the column.. i can't figure it out for the life of me. PLEASE HELP Please enter size of row between 1 - 20: 5 Please enter size of column between 1 - 20: 5 Your matrix is …

Member Avatar for sneaker
Member Avatar for Wizablue

Hmm, I was trying to load strings from a file(formated) to an 2D Array... but.... [CODE] FILE * fp; char TempBuffer[100][100]; char array_game[100][100]; fp=fopen(filename,"r"); for(i=0; i<100; i++) // Create 2D array to Hold the array of the file { for(j=0; j<100; j++) { fgets(TempBuffer,101,fp); strcpy(&array_game[i][j],TempBuffer); } } [/CODE] I get …

Member Avatar for Wizablue
Member Avatar for stryker4526

So I have a problem... according to the specification given by my lab TA, we must [QUOTE]"write a Microsoft Visual Studio console application that will calculate the following four operations over the elements of a two dimensional array (matrix) of integers: 1. Sum 2. Average 3. Max 4. Min All …

Member Avatar for Wizardsr66
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hello ! Could you please point me to a good C# tutorial for drawing 2d graphics like Ellipse and Rectangle (that inherit from Shape) on a Canvas using WPF ? I'm also interested later to click on shapes and identify which shape was clicked, and also to drag and drop …

Member Avatar for jamesonh20
Member Avatar for abulooz

Hello people!! Hoping someone can help me out with this, i have a game of life program where a grid is draw using private string[,] paintSequence = new string[50, 50]; (note i tried switching to 2d string arrays, but this caused looooads of problems so switched it all back to …

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The End.