151 Topics

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Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I have experienced a very strange problem in my application. When I launch my WPF application, it loads fine with a window and button, upon clicking the button, it launches another form which is also fine but in this second form, when I click some button, it launches …

Member Avatar for Cody_6
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi, I am developing my own designer and got stuck at a point where I need to establish or implement some business logic whenever any UI Element is dragged and determine if that falls withing the boundaries of another parent control (specifically TabControl or GroupBox), so that the next time …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Windows 10 has a nice date and time display in his taskbar, it is becoming more difficult for me to see , unless I open it. Becoming older and older my eyes are not that ‘fresh’ as they used to be, so I decided to make a bigger time display …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Yes, WPF. The learning curve is steep, but what amazing things you can do with it! Look at this hexagon window for instance. Serves no purpose in a business environment I guess, but in a gaming situation it could work. For me, it was just fun to get this up …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi All, Could anyone please suggest on how to apply multiple styles to multiple elements at runtime and that too the styles should be applied at the same time on all elements. For instance, I want to animate two buttons but their styles are different. Now if I apply the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ddanbe

In a XAML file you can add a control like a Button and start to edit its attributes like `<Button Width="200" ..`. When you type in Width you get something like `Width="|"` and is rather nice. After typing 200, you end up with `Width="200|"` Does anyone knows a way to …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi Everyone, I started creating a new WPF project wherein, I have just added a style to all the elements of type "Window" and "Grid" but none of these are working (rather a wierd black box is apprearing - Screenshot attached). **NOTE:** I do not want to use "x:Key" for …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Daniel_51

How to zoom to the cursor position after the graphics component has been transformed? I want to be able to zoom to any of the test rectangles. The panning is done with the Middle mouse button. MouseWheel Event handles the zooming. Ignore the DrawGrid method, it's just to get some …

Member Avatar for Xavier_5
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi, I am developing a WPF application in which I need to call `MouseLeftButtonDown` event in a single `DataGridTextColumn`. For that I wrote some xaml code as :- <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="myAge" Header="Age" Binding="{Binding Age, Mode=TwoWay}" IsReadOnly="True" Width="*"> <DataGridTextColumn.CellStyle> <Style TargetType="DataGridCell"> <EventSetter Event="MouseLeftButtonDown" Handler="{Binding MyAgeCommand}" /> </Style> </DataGridTextColumn.CellStyle> </DataGridTextColumn> But I am …

Member Avatar for Alex_45
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi, I have a WPF Grid with multiple controls like TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox etc. and their properties like Text, SelectedItem, IsChecked etc. are present inside the view model bound to the view perfectly. I want to copy the values of all the controls to the Clipboard (may be) and want …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for zachattack05

Forgive me, but I've only really used WinForms in the past, and MVVM and WPF are new to me. For those who use MVVM with WPF, do you actually make separate directories (namespaces) for your Models, Views and ViewModels files or is it more of an abstract idea? I fundamentally …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for you207

Hi I'm try to change the background of the matched by a Regex text. Example: input: aaa aaa aaa //double white spaces in between output: aaa aaa aaa //change the background of all matched white spaces to red But it's coloring the wrong text. I have tried and searched google …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for ddanbe

After reading this excellent [code snippet](https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/code/492766/display-excel-data-in-a-datagridview) by djjeavons, and just trying to learn WPF, I decided: "Well, let's translate that to WPF!". It was a bit harder than I thought, but a great learning experience! Her's how my screen in action looks: ![WPFscreen.png](/attachments/small/1/ac05d33ccd8a190d0576fa063e54749f.png "align-left") Things that changed compared to the …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

Howdy So I have a set of data coming back from a process with five different pieces of data per entry in the set. Are there any fancy ways you can generate some kind of look-a-like report on the fly in WCF, else what would be the best way to …

Member Avatar for goody11

I am just starting a new WPF project using MVVM as a general guideline. The application will have a ribbon; when you switch between tabs, there will be different buttons that spawn dockable windows in the content pane below the ribbon. This part is done. Now, each of those windows …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Daniweb Community, I'm wanting to slice a square image into 9 pieces like below ![Image_Grid_Expected.png](/attachments/small/3/92037daf6101645e42f7718c3f4ccf65.png "align-center") the code I'm currently using is this Private Function CropBitmap(ByRef bmp As Bitmap, ByVal cropX As Integer, ByVal cropY As Integer, ByVal cropWidth As Integer, ByVal cropHeight As Integer) As Bitmap Dim rect …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for complete

I have a silverlight app that uses TextBox XAML controls. In the c++ code-behind, IXRTextBoxPtr types are associated with these textboxes using "FindName" like this: FindName(L"ColNum3", &m_pColNum3); (where ColNum3 corresponds with the XAML CODE like this: ) Then, the code assigns the pointer like this: std::wstring wsTransfer; // gets the …

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Member Avatar for maxpaine69

Hi all, I have a problem i have binding validation in WPF, aplication, but now because some rules some textboxes get disambled, and the validation shows same way, is there a way to disamble the validation when they are disabled and turn on when enabled? Best Regards

Member Avatar for clairestreb
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

I was just wondering, is there a way to change the colour of the squiggly line when a word is misspelled in a WPF TextBox? Here's what I mean: [Click Here](http://puu.sh/dwAdC/701c7f2c59.png) I have no idea as to where to start because I'm simply clueless. I tried editing the Textbox to …

Member Avatar for burhanahmed92

I have a multicolumn listview. There are three button Add, delete and Updata. List is working fine, it add, delete and update list data. But i want to save every row inside listview when i click save button. Bellow is my XAML. <TextBox Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="12" Height="23" Name="textBox1" Width="120" TextChanged="textBox1_TextChanged" KeyDown="textBox1_KeyDown" …

Member Avatar for game4tress

I need to change the background image of a button that is declared in xaml, like this: <Button x:Name="btnBorder" Content="Moldura" Width="80" Height="80" Margin="10,6,10,6" Click="btnBorder_Click" > <Button.Background> <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Images/arrow-expand.png" AlignmentX="Center" Stretch="None" x:Name="imgSourceArrow" /> </Button.Background> </Button> and I'm trying to change the ImageSource of the ImageBrush. For that, I'm using this code …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I am developing an application in WPF in which I need to set a generic input bindings for TAB key for every field present in the view. I somehow managed to create a common method but now I wnat to retrieve on which field the TAB key has …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I may be very wrong, but in the web world, just installing Bootstrap gives you some basic control over how you controls look. Is there something similar for WPF? I don't seem to find anything, I have a very basic little wpf application with a pageframe, buttons, textblocks and textboxes. …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for burhanahmed92

I am making a erp using WPF-C# and i have a confustion on how can i connect my app to sql server after compiling. I am asking this because my app connects to DB when i compile it with Visual Studio and SQL server is already installed on my pc, …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for game4tress

I've made a rectangle with another 3D point inside. The rectangle is textured with an image. Now, I need to move the point that is inside the rectangle to another 3D position. Does anyone knows how this is possible? The only way I found, that is no good for what …

Member Avatar for kalcio

Hi, I want to use the microsoft office theme (rubban for example,the word button's form) in my C# wpf application,is it possible? I work with visual studio 2010 thanks for help

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

![63e834471f9c1463ee1caed517a7fbf1](/attachments/small/1/63e834471f9c1463ee1caed517a7fbf1.jpg "align-right") I'm working on an a windows phone project where I need to support fully transparent backgrounds in my controls to overlay ontop of dynamic image. I want to use this "new item" path I created to show how many updates an item has. I attached an image showing …

Member Avatar for Rajeev Kumar_1
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I have one webbrowser control and I took a dependency source property from the Internet and binded the same to my string Url. I took this dependency property because .Net doesn't lets you bind the Source property to a string datatype and only Uri datatype. Now I am …

Member Avatar for usamaali
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi All, I am facing some issues when writing a xaml and my code goes as follows :- <Grid> <Grid.Resources> <!-- Shared Storyboard across the system --> <!-- This storyboard will make the image (button) grow to double its size in 0.2 seconds --> <Storyboard x:Key="expandStoryboard"> <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty="RenderTransform.ScaleX" To="2.5" Duration="0:0:0.2" …

Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I want to design a DataGrid similar to the one in the design picture attached with this article (Please see the pic attached). I want the following bindings and features :- 1. The first column of every Item (Item1,...Item5) for (LineNo=1....LineNo=?) will get bind to "Unit" which is …

Member Avatar for KushMishra

The End.