38 Topics

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Member Avatar for theburg30

Preconditions: Addresses of 2 integer variables are on the stack as the parameters. Sample c call: swap( &num1, &num2); You must implement the following C swap function: /* Swaps the two values pointed to by x_ptr and y_ptr. */ void swap (int *x_ptr, int *y_ptr) { if (x_ptr != y_ptr) …

Member Avatar for mohamed_101
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

I am currently making out the plans for the milestones for the rest of this year in my long-term projects (Thelema, Assiah, and Alfheim). I was hoping that someone would be able to review these plans and help me determine which are feasible in the next four months. The overall …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi everyones! I have explore and development on many programming languages as C++, python, perl, java(a little bit) and Assembly (a little bit),and web languages like html, javascript(a little bit) and PHP. Now I'm wanna create my own OS. My OS will have a simple boot file as starting up …

Member Avatar for muazzamalikazmi5
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

There is free tools to do the same, but I was curious to see what it takes to make one myself. For info see: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LC-3[/url]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for reloadmvp

SO guys I am supposed to be making a program that will check for a palindrome but, I can not get my code to work. It seems to be stuck on the cmp part. I am not sure if this is even right I dont have much experience with masm. …

Member Avatar for turboscrew
Member Avatar for pwolf

Yesterday while browsing the web, I stumbled upon a blog where the author had written a post regarding what a computer scientist should know, in that list he had given links for further reading. One of these links was to a website [nand2tetris](http://nand2tetris.org/) where the goal is supposedly to build …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for m_ishwar

Guys! I would like to know if it was possible to create an assembler using python since it has excellent string handling features. Any Ideas how it could be done?

Member Avatar for m_ishwar
Member Avatar for zeroliken

I bet all Computer Science related courses would learn low level or machine level languanges in due time and in our university we used the portable 80x86 assembler NASM for our Assembly code So here's my experimentation on how to use "functions" and recursion using a Fibonacci Solver as a …

Member Avatar for akashsinha23

Hello everyone.. i am quite new to TASM.. i desperately need help with a few programs.. will rilly be grateful if u can provide me the code for them... **Using 32-bit processor and assembler develop programs:** 1) WAP to read a 32-bit interger, store that number in EAX register and …

Member Avatar for jefanot

Hey guys, anyone know how to setup FASM on geany so the compile and the execute will work? This is what I currently do: Compile: `./fasm "%f"; chmod a+x %e.com` Execute: `./%e.com` When I compile it, it seems to be okay. When I execute, however, it gives this: `�: not …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for zemzela

I need help how to solve this task, I don't know how to solve first part which is for memory location. If someone know please help me. It is very important.. ENTRY RESULTS entrance examination: In memory location X is placed in an entrance exam results in the form: Indeks …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for nasmnoob

Hey all, admittedly this is some homework help. I'm trying to write a program which takes a string in of hex characters, calls an assembler function which gives me the decimal value of the hex string. That assembler function calls a "checker" function in C which makes sure each character …

Member Avatar for pgcoder
Member Avatar for utkarshsahu

I am a beginner in learning assembly language. I wanted to know which assembler would be best to use between NASM and MASM in today's context. Also, can you give a link to documentation on these assemblers?And tutorial specific for these assembler (as assembly is not standardized)

Member Avatar for utkarshsahu
Member Avatar for johnpaul22

Choose in the following to make a ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM in EMU8086 .. Analyze and make a program on the ff. problms. 1. Given is based on the given average and their assign grade a. If average is greater than or equal to 90, assign remarks is outstanding. b. If …

Member Avatar for johnpaul22

Help me plz... I need it BADLY.. And ASAP ... :( This for emu8086 ... 1. Given is based on the given average and their assign grade a. If average is greater than or equal to 90, assign remarks is "outstanding". b. If not, if average is greater than or …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for kikic

Here I have code in C, I need help to translate this in assembly emu 8086. Please help me if you know. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int **mat; // Pointer to pointer int rows, cols, i, j; printf("How many rows you want "); scanf("%d", &rows); //rows = …

Member Avatar for webdeveloper2

I need to know how to do a assembly program that accepts a string with the Instruction format and understand it and then execute it Input: String as“mov eax,10” Output: The string instruction will be executed.

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for kikic

Hello, I need help for my task.. This is the matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 the result is 1,4,7,8,9,6,3,2,5 I have to solve this task in assembler 8086 in emu... I need help, it is very important for me. Please help me

Member Avatar for kikic
Member Avatar for shacknetisp

I am creating a simple Operating System called OneFileOS, and I am wondering if I must use a special version of assembler, or if I can use the regular x86 version. Thank You.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mailgtauqeer

You can use and assemble with MASM611 very easily in Notepad++. Ihave find a very nice customization of Notepad++ on a blog. You can find it at [URL="http://easymasm.blogspot.com/"]http://easymasm.blogspot.com/[/URL]

Member Avatar for mailgtauqeer
Member Avatar for Locke123

I have a subroutine that is passed a pointer to a bit string in the si reg and an index in the ax register. I declared the val variable in the data seg [CODE]getbit: cmp ax, 1783 ; max value of the index being passed ja goback push si mov …

Member Avatar for Locke123
Member Avatar for joker22xx

heres my C code this was easy: -Chris g [CODE=c]#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> extern int numodd( int array[], int size ) ; int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int numarray[] = { 2, 3, 1025, 3024, 4057, -3, -1025, -3578 } ; int size = sizeof(numarray) / …

Member Avatar for joker22xx
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Is it possible to use [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/45yd4tzz%28v=VS.80%29.aspx"]__asm blocks[/URL] with Code::Blocks IDE? And if so how??

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Goalatio

This is my OS that I've been working on for almost 3 months now (not all at once.. in periods of a few days each time). Would anyone skilled in NASM mind looking at parts of it and give me their opinion on my code? Note that there are many …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for jwxie

I am new to assembly. I found this code here [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/assembly/threads/117744[/url] What I am having trouble with are the following lines [CODE]L0_95: ; this segment prints ASCII code 0 - 95 mov si,6 ; refers to the string we declared at the beginning mov cx,4 ; I think this is …

Member Avatar for maxrio

Hi! im trying to make a procedure wich saves what is on screen in a variable defined on the data segment (antes dw 2000 dup (?)). It compiles well but it freezes the program when it is called by it(program). BTW: this program is in textmode 80x25 16-bit and i …

Member Avatar for maxrio
Member Avatar for lxricher

Here is my code [code].section .data values: .int 0 array_end: .equ ARRAY_SIZE, array_end - values array_fmt: .asciz " %d" usort_str: .asciz "unsorted array:" sort_str: .asciz "sorted array:" newline: .asciz "\n" maxvalue: .int 1000 format: .asciz "%d" message: .asciz "Please enter a maximum size for the array to be sorted." output: …

Member Avatar for davibq

Hi, im trying to print a "$". I tried using: msj db "Hola", 36 msj db "Hola \$", '$' msj db "Hola \\$", '$' But none of them worked.. Help please

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for tlkummell

Good Morning... Where to start? Well, I live near San Francisco, California. Married for almost 40 years, two kids (all grown up), two grandchildren ( 6 and under). My career started in 1966 at IBM as a Field Engineer on very large, water cooled, mainframes. I've had to reinvent myself …

Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for Psyenyde

Hey everyone, my first post here, so lets see if I do this right. So I have this assignment that links a fibonacci.c, fib.h, and fib.s file. The assignment is supposed to be done by compiling all of the files, then running ./fibonacci <n> where <n> is the n'th term …

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The End.