21 Topics

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Member Avatar for plang007

I do not know why when I compile it, on why does the last cylinder file print out multiple times int tags1 and tags2. I bolded them so you would see what I am talking about. Could someone please help me out? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> …

Member Avatar for toneewa
Member Avatar for QQnoobie

I am trying to write a function that will compute GPA. [CODE]#include "Student.h" #include "ClassInformation.h" Student* setupStudent(){ string f,l,idNo; double gPoint=0; Student *studPtr1; studPtr1 = new Student (); cout<<"Enter first name "; cin>>f; studPtr1->setfirstName(f); cout<<"Enter last name "; cin>>l; studPtr1->setlastName(l); cout<<"Enter A number"; cin>>idNo; studPtr1->setaNumber(idNo); cout<<endl; studPtr1->setGPA(gPoint); return studPtr1; } …

Member Avatar for QQnoobie
Member Avatar for plang007

First of all, this is not schoolwork but rather me trying to read about c++ and through program examples and see if I can write my own. So help is much appreciated if you could as I am a new learner. This program that I am writing is supposed to …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for kwins

I am a beginner in MIPS and we're given this assignment to write a programs in MIPS to convert binary string to decimal i do some research and I found some helpful information: TO convert a binary number to decimal Let X be a binary number, n digits in length, …

Member Avatar for plang007

[B]****Output[/B] There were 305 birds in this list. Species: Snow_Goose Number: 305 There were 567 birds in this list. Species: Canada_Goose Number: 567 There were 4 birds in this list. Species: Tundra_Swan Number: 4 There were 31 birds in this list. Species: Wood_Duck Number: 31 There were 60 birds in …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for plang007

In the function largest, it works correctly for numbers greater than 2 such as 3, but does not give me the correct results for numbers 1 and 2 when entered. How would I fix this. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int nexta(int …

Member Avatar for Arbus
Member Avatar for plang007

How do I change it so that it will only say how many times the program has ran once I typed another key then [B]y[/B]. Output: ================================= Programmer Name: Peter Langlands Program 3 Description: CS 150 Spring 2011 Lab CRN: Date: ================================= Enter an nonnegative number: 10 a0 = 10 …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for plang007

How would I make this program that it tells me the number of odds or evens. I only have 1 number at the time, so I need it to either say 1 odd or 1 even. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void printInfo(); int nonNegative(int a, int k); …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for plang007

I got the first function tagReader to work, but how do I get the program to read the other functions such as getEmployee, paycheck, repeater, valid, and header. Here is all I get for the output: Results from tags1.txt : Cylinder: bsharkdata 1782 12.00 82.90 Cylinder: ftmyersfeb 7150 11.00 32.89 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for plang007

I do not know how to write a function for this. I have written just the base line of the code, but I do not know how to finish it. Here is the description. A void Function tagReader inputs the data collected by the cylinders; it has two parameters: the …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for plang007

I need help with this program. I do not know how I would calculate to find out the gallons as well as the cost as pictured in my output. How would you do this? Here is my output: For each student, you will get the gallon of paint Input the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for plang007

After your program works correctly for one student, add a loop so the user can process any number of students. Prompt the user for the number of students to process; use that value to control the loop. *How do I prompt the user for the number of students to process …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for plang007

I can not seem to figure out how to drop the lowest score. When I run it it says the lowest score dropped was 0. How do I fix this? [CODE]#include<iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std ; string getName (); int averageScores( int); void printMessage (string, int); void …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for plang007

I really need help in writing this program for homework. 1. Round the average for each student to the nearest integer. 2. Add code to print out an appropriate message for each student. (given in prologue comments) 3. Add code to calculate the highest student average, and the lowest student …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for plang007

Could you please tell me how to arrange my code so that the invalid statement like in my displayed output will only show up if some enters a wrong character. Here is my code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { //(1) Declare …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for plang007

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { char fare; char choice='Y'; int hrIn, minIn, hrOut, minOut; int hours; int minutes; int total_minutes; double cost; float charge; float additionalTime; while(choice=='Y'||choice=='y'){ cout << "\nThis program will calculate a single, couple, or group " << "\nfare …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for plang007

Here is my code: #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { char fare; char choice='Y'; int hrIn, minIn, hrOut, minOut; int hours; int minutes; int total_minutes; double cost; float charge; float additionalTime; while(choice=='Y'||choice=='y') { cout << "\nThis program will calculate a single, couple, or group …

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for c++probeginner

Please Help Me! I cannot figure out what to do. I get an error that I don't understand. I posted my code and error below: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> using namespace std; //prototypes int read_dials(char &d1, char &d2, char &d3, char &d4, char &d5, char &d6, …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for sainiweb

Hi I ahve this code which is working on Chrome, Firefox and Safari But Its not working on IE Can any one help me <html> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function set_padd(){ var tt = document.getElementById("span_padding").innerHTML; var txt = new Array(); txt = tt.split("<br>"); var atxt = ''; for(var i = 1; …

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Member Avatar for Nick Evan

I do not often visit the Java forum, because I know nothing worth posting in the Java forum :) But when I [I]do[/I] visit, I see a lot of posts with code without code-tags. This makes the code nearly unreadable and reduces the overall quality of Daniweb. So I have …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I see a potential problem with the new format regarding code tags. Before, you had the option of doing this: [code] // paste code here - Courier-style fomatting, multiple spaces allowed, but no line numbers or syntax highlighting. [/code] or this: [code=cplusplus] // paste code here - Courier-style fomatting, multiple …

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The End.