405 Topics

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Member Avatar for ayesha91

HEllo this is reaaally urgent, the deadline is within less than an hour and thirty minute, and I lost hope that I can fix the problem myself. I know it has to do with pointers and allocating memory dynamically. The assignment was to use operator overloading to add two sets …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for tKc

I am trying to write a program that dynamically increase the size of an array. essentially creating an array inside of an array with array [b]a[/b] storing 100 int pointers. my code is initially having problems on line [code] a[count] = new int [n]; [/code] any tips or pointers as …

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for srinivas88

Hello,I am making a website in JSP celled employee info system.In this whenever a new emp. registers in the system he is given a unique employee id. Currently in my registration page the employee himself will have to manually enter a unique id.Is there a way in which the unique …

Member Avatar for srinivas88
Member Avatar for ppohlmann

Hello ! I have a database that shows about 5 to 10 recorrds on a page that contain forms for the user to fill out. The number of rows is unknown and depends on the user query. On the page there can be 2 or 10 records displayed ..each containing …

Member Avatar for ppohlmann
Member Avatar for newboi

Hello Guys, I am trying to update multiple table rows using dynamically generated radio buttons. The radio buttons are in groups of two (yes and no) which also have dynamic names. In other to give the group unique names, I have added row numbers to the group names as thus: …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jp_mastermind

Hi, am currently trying to create a social networking website but I am having problem with the AJAX part... All i want to do is have a form to both insert the data in my database and to add this data dynamically to a table below it, thus each time …

Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm somewhat of a PHP noobie so be kind:) I have a MySQL table that contains the latitude and longitude coordinates to several different service areas, as well as an 'AreaCode' field. I'm using a PHP point in polygon function to loop through each of the service areas …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt

So I have my site templates complete and I know that I have the right database connection because I can register, but I am having problems with dynamic pages. I originally started the site with all the pages in their own unique separate PHP file, but I ran into problems …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

So I started to work on my last Computer Science project for the school year, a maths tutorial application. I'm a bit stuck with displaying a form to explain a mathematical concept. I decided to make a dynamic form on run-time for each grade which then contains all the available …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ana_1234

I have a problem I'm not sure where the error is occurring. I think it's when I used cin.ignore in my code. My problem is occurring in case A. For some reason the program stops right after I enter my price information. I tried doing small codes to figure where …

Member Avatar for Greywolf333
Member Avatar for chalasesha

i am developing a social networking site as my project in college. i have a doubt on php and mysql.. """ I TWITTER OR FACEBOOK OR IN GMAIL WHEN THERE IS NO ACTION FROM USER(BROWSER) THAT IS, THE USER LOGS IN AND STAY STILL(NOT RELOADING THE PAGE). HOW CAN WE …

Member Avatar for chalasesha
Member Avatar for roottybrian

Hi guys, Am currently working on a project and i think i need a dynamic graph, you know like the one you see when you open taskmanager, for those blue screen users, and then you click the performance tab. Anyone with an idea on how i can get there?

Member Avatar for Ptap03

Hello, I'm new to this thread but have referenced to it before many times. I have finally joined thanks to all the great responses I have read in the past. Okay, I recieved an assignment which is as follow... "Declare a dynamic array of Person to store the information of …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for inam2001

I m new in c#.net, i m working on project which generate menu dynamically, i have done this point, but not retrieve menu text at menu click, i just want to get text of menu. my code is follows: namespace myProg { public partial class frmMenu : Form { DataTable …

Member Avatar for inam2001
Member Avatar for koldhands

Morning guys, I've almost finished a new site i'm doing for a client but there's a few points that are causing me a headache and they're all related to the same thing. I've searched everywhere on the web for an answer and I'm beginning to think that there isn't one …

Member Avatar for HedoBum

This is stumping me...it's probably pretty obvious, but I'm working under medication for the flu... I finally got my form submitting to my database and to separate tables from the update.php script. Problem is, (I know this sounds trivial and I shake my head as I query) I can't get …

Member Avatar for HedoBum
Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty

I'm trying to LINQ two tables based on a dynamic key. User can change key via a combo box. Key may be money, string, double, int, etc. Currently I'm getting the data just fine, but without filtering out the doubles. I can filter the double in VB, but it's slooooow. …

Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty
Member Avatar for sinfultom

Hi there, I'm new to the forum so please be kind :) I've created a class called node that has a standard constructor and an overload that uses an int as an argument. [code=c]class node { public: node(void); node(int inputs); ... };[/code] I can create an dynamic array of nodes …

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for Lord_Migit

hey folks, i have a problem which seems to be reasonably simple but i havnt managed to figure it out yet. Iv read alot of the other threads on this but i still havnt found one that iv both understood and solved my problem. So here goes... Its concerning returning …

Member Avatar for Lord_Migit
Member Avatar for mommabear

Hello again. For the current lab, we're working with strings and pointers. I'm trying to keep this one simple and get one step working right before I move on to the next. However, if I have subsequent issues with this lab, I'll just use this same thread rather and make …

Member Avatar for mommabear
Member Avatar for pw_jamison

i know this partially asp.net as well... if i create an custom control like this protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Control myUserControl = (Control)LoadControl("MyControl.ascx"); PanelX.Controls.Add(myUserControl); is there a way of responding to an event within that control... private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Write("WebUserControl1 :: I am …

Member Avatar for pw_jamison
Member Avatar for scranton

hi i have a HiddenField control that i have to create at run time. it's populated by javascript on the client end, but each postback it's created again and loses its value. where do i have to create it, or what do i have to do to make it keep …

Member Avatar for scranton
Member Avatar for sumanpk

HI, pleae can any one help me regarding the issue: I am trying to develop system where i can add run time some user control like button, textbox, checkbox . Thanks suman

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for spankboy11

Hi there, I'm having trouble dealing with dynamic arrays and was wondering if someone could tell me where the problem lies. I'm new to C++. Basically, in the following code, the dynamic array of Fuzzy objects works fine. But when you uncomment out the bit that actually assigns values to …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for nelliott10

I am currently producing a system in which I want the user to be able to select the product name from a drop-down menu and when selected I would like the barcode to appear in the barcode field. I would really appreciate any help, however great or small. The current …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for smiler89

hello, i am building a website using mysql and php on an apache web server. The site has over 100 index pages for differnt parts and content of the site. one of the problems i am having is i have to write the navigation bars in for each page, and …

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for livestrong2431

I know this is a horrible way to do this, but I'm trying to test out several things that I've learned at once in this code. It's meant to ask you how many numbers you want to add using dynamic memory, then push them on to the stack, and add …

Member Avatar for livestrong2431
Member Avatar for exchequer598

Hi everyone! I am making a JSP page with Eclipse and Apache Tomcat 6. I want to create a drop-down list that will be populated with the list of all folders in the directory of that JSP page. Can someone show me how to do that? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for EloiseJoseph
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

With the recent release of Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft has updated.NET and the C# language, both now at version 4. One of the new features of C# is the ability to handle dynamic types. But what exactly does that mean? Essentially, if you're very careful, you can use C# in …

Member Avatar for Tekmaven
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

[CODE] package com.ibm.compbio; public abstract class DynamicProgramming { private Cell prevCell; private int score; private int row; private int col; protected String sequence1; protected String sequence2; protected Cell[][] scoreTable; protected boolean tableIsFilledIn; protected boolean isInitialized; public Cell(int row, int col) { this.row = row; this.col = col; } /** * …

Member Avatar for WargRider

The End.