20 Topics

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Member Avatar for Muslim_1

Hi all, I am doing web services for an Android application which sends push notification. Below is the scenario: 1. I have 100s of customers registered on the website 2. Each user has his own subscribers list 3. Each user can schedule the push notification to be sent at a …

Member Avatar for hello_5
Member Avatar for toomutch

Hi All, I have a DOS batch script file that is scheduled to run hourly, to move any PDF files from a bunch of folders, and put them in one folder. When I view the target folder in Windows Explorer, all of the PDF files have a padlock icon on …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for iamthwee

I'm intending on doing a database for hairdressers (as an example) So there will be: 1. Customers 2. The hairdresser can check their calendar to see who is booked on that day. 3. Customers can search of available times slots. 4. The hairdresser can enter customers onto the system, customers …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for arrivaldwis

i have a works to create table report like in attached image. ![90ef46840e7046051c341009f30ee8ca](/attachments/large/4/90ef46840e7046051c341009f30ee8ca.png "90ef46840e7046051c341009f30ee8ca") i don't know how to arrange the days and grouping as Time, thank you for help...

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

HI, Am planning to write a event management for my web application ,where the Admin can schedule a program to one particular channel say like Admin --> BBC channel --> 10Am-12Am program one from 12 Dec2014 - 23DEC 2014 ..Now my question is when i write checking condition as no …

Member Avatar for kamilacbe
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Using XAMPP Now , I have to develop a Scheduler for these reports, For Example I have 3 Reports. These reports are PHP Files Report1.php Report2.php Report3.php I want to send them(Execute them) automatically as follows Report1.php on Monday 9AM Report2.php on Friday 9AM And …

Member Avatar for sahiljariwala
Member Avatar for gurusubramaniam

How to send a mail automatically while reaching a particular time without any form action in php?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello guys I've recently taken participation in a music project (feel free to check us out at [@lettherebmusic](http://www.twitter.com/lettherebmusic)) where we tweet music info about a certain topic every day. I actually use tweetdeck to schedule tweets for the whole day, so that content is available all day long. The thing …

Member Avatar for Z33shan

hello :) i'm looking for an algo to find out all possible combinations of a 2d array entries, wich are (Tasks x Processors). i.e, i have to find out all possible schedules to schedule tasks against processors. numbers of tasks and processors are variable. Suppose : ............P1.......P2.......P3 .................................... T1........3 ........6..........4 …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Seten

Hello, I have an account that has denied interactive login. But allowed log in as batch and service. Account has permissions as local administrator. Let's call it as a service account. What I do: Login via my account to the server, Created a repeating task, that runs simple batch file …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for jsquadrilla

Hello, Currently I have a PHP Script that screen scrapes a website for data, and store it into a MySQL table. I'd like to set this up to run in intervals during the day. Right now, all I do is open the link in my browser and it runs the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi Guys and Girls, I'm having some trouble getting a timer to work on my android 2.1 app. I want it so once a button is clicked it trys to connect to my server every 60 seconds. my code for connecting to server is working, but I don't understand why …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for akaban
Member Avatar for alliance

In a certain sports league, a group of teams plays through a Schedule of Game. At the end of this Schedule, they want to determine the winner. To determine the winner, you will have to determine for each team how many Games they won, lost, and tied. Assuming 2 points …

Member Avatar for audiomatic
Member Avatar for deviliq

Hey there :) :) :) I'm doing a "simulation" project for the first-come, first-served (FCFS) CPU scheduling algorithm. To give u an idea of what this is: CPU Scheduling is all about having a Scheduler determine which process should be allocated to the CPU next. It has many various algorithms …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jlego

currently, the company i work for has php scripts setup that update our websites inventory database using our local internal database and a few other things that run automated on a scheduled basis. the current way we have it setup is a local machine has the URLs scheduled for launch …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm looking for some help with a PHP / MySQL scheduling component that our website users will use to schedule our services. I've drawn out 2 calendars that sit side by side using PHP. One for the current month, and one for the following month...to give users the …

Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm somewhat of a PHP noobie so be kind:) I have a MySQL table that contains the latitude and longitude coordinates to several different service areas, as well as an 'AreaCode' field. I'm using a PHP point in polygon function to loop through each of the service areas …

Member Avatar for chineerat

hi! I would some advice or guidance to create a timetable or schedule [URL="http://www.dentistry.usyd.edu.au/upload/timetable_example.jpg"]like this[/URL]. the data i am pulling from my db are: Begin and end time of courses, course names and day of the week. Also I would like a notification of when 2 courses overlaps. for example: …

Member Avatar for chineerat
Member Avatar for sravan953

The user enters the full location of a file and the program determines whether the file is a sound file or an application and opens it after a user specified time. Example: Location: C:\Where ever\file.mp3 OR C:\Another Where Ever\prog.exe TIme(in mins): 10

Member Avatar for sravan953

The End.