3 Topics

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Member Avatar for ksyz_1

Hello, I am trying to connect a unix server using ssh (phpseclib) and running an external program like 'C' program. I am using exec() to run .exe. My code looks this way [CODE]echo $ssh->exec('./demo.exe');[/CODE] demo.exe is a executable for program to add two numbers and the inputs are hardcoded within …

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Member Avatar for wolfeater017

Im having troubles learning how to make an executable so can someone show me what Im doing wrong [import time from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable setup( name = "hello", version = "0.1", description = "the typical 'Hello, world!' script", executables = [Executable("hello.py")]) [GO AHEAD AND IGNORE THE REST OF THE …

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Member Avatar for wingers1290

Hi, I am writing a program to store basic information such as name and address but i want to be able to store this information as a separate file. So for example i could fill out the Name as 'Mary' and then save this as an executable file which I …

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The End.