36 Topics

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Member Avatar for AssertNull

OK, so HostGator for some reason no longer allows gcc/g++ access unless you have a Designated Server account, which is a lot of money to spend just to compile my "Hello World" program. Thus I figured I'd compile at home, then upload. Program is your regular old bare-bones Hello World …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for ztdep

Dear friends: ` The gcc version used in my opensue 42.1 is 4.8, i installed a gcc 6 from the opensuse package download center by "oneclickinstall".` The installation process was sucessful, but the gcc in my system is still 4.8. So how to resolve this problem. Regards

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for lewashby

I hot the following program from the book 'C++ For Dummies' but have two questions about it. First I compiled the program but I'm afraid to run because the memery created from the heap does not appear to me to get de-allocated. Am I correct in not wanting to run …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for tapananand

Consider the following code: #include<stdio.h> #define msizeof(type) ((char*)(&type) - (char*)(&type - 1)) int main() { int x; printf("%u %u\n", msizeof(x), sizeof(x)); return 0; } The Above code when compiled with g++ compiles just fine and works well without any wanrings, while in gcc it gives the following warning: `integer overflow …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Glaxxterm

Hi)I've been using Codeblocks for a long time;since I configured the Toolchain executables shortly after installing I had no problems with compiler;but now when I try to compile a program, codeblocks responds with a statements about wrong compiler path;when I try to run a program it responds with "Target uses …

Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello How can we know which GCC version is compatiable with a given Python version ? Regards

Member Avatar for H_beginner

I am using the gcc compiler and I am new to using flags. Can any one tell me a source for it. e.g. I wanted to use *-funroll-loops* but I dont know the proper syntax. Can any one help.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for mayankjoin
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

This is more of a tale of "I think I broke it". Basically as an assignment for CS I have to write an assembler for a subset of the MIPS assembly language. Currently it is not working, getting a sigseg, so I decided to debug the code and step through …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for RounaqJJW

float det(float A[][10],int m) { float B[10][10],d=0; int i,a,b,x,y; if(m==2) return (A[0][0]*A[1][1])-(A[1][0]*A[0][1]); else { x=0;y=0; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(a=0;a<m;a++) { if(a==i) continue; else { for(b=1;b<m;b++) { B[x][x]=A[a][b]; x++; } } } if(i%2) d-=det(B,x); else d+=det(B,x); } } return d; } I tried to run the program, but it exits with error …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for last1devil

Hi! I use Linux Mint Maya and I need to install some software from sources but the problem is that GCC is not working. When I type gcc or make command I get a error like this: bash: /usr/bin/gcc: cannot execute binary file How can I fix that?

Member Avatar for last1devil
Member Avatar for sbrohee

Dear all, I am certainly not an expert in C++ development but after some time, I had some code running and compiling for a bio-informatics tool. As always in Science, I changed my area of research of a while and when I came back to my tool, I had changed …

Member Avatar for sbrohee
Member Avatar for dancks

I don't know jack about Visual Studio, and I'd like to keep it that way because I like doing stuff on the command line, I have my preferences. But my teacher uses it to compile and I'm curious what I did wrong because gcc didn't throw anything. So, code (Without …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for Enders_Game

Pretty self explanatory code. Why doesn't it work! #include <stdio.h> int main() { __asm__("number dw 0"); // declare number? printf("%d",number); __asm__("mov %eax,number" "inc %eax" "mov number,%eax"); printf("%d",number); return 0; } cc ex1.c -o ex1 ex1.c: In function ‘main’: ex1.c:22:17: error: ‘number’ undeclared (first use in this function) ex1.c:22:17: note: each …

Member Avatar for Enders_Game
Member Avatar for Some Dude

Alright, so I need some more help. This time, the problem is not inherently in the code (Though I've had trouble with that thus far too). I am currently playing around with open and close file dialogs trying to get what seems to be an out-dated "GetOpenFileName()" function to work. …

Member Avatar for Some Dude
Member Avatar for ysmtek

*Hello people of the DaniWebs! It's been a long time since I've been talking and asking here, under the name of **katmai539**. I've lost account information and also the email address linked to it. I haven't been active in the software development-branch for the past few years but recently I …

Member Avatar for dancks

Background, I want to install allegro on the iMac 10.6.8 after my macbook crapped out. It didn't compilers installed whatsoever, so I had to find Xcode at a seedy 3rd party site because apple no longer supports Xcode for 10.6. It came as a binary, simple install didn't give me …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for niyasc

Is there any standard function in gcc that is equivalent to getch() so that I can read the input without hitting enter key?

Member Avatar for jaybhanderi
Member Avatar for isaacjun16

Hi, I have a problem with a the imput of some data on a program Im making (FYI new in c++, homework). So basicly the progrma I have is to imput diferent type of data, this is what im doing. (Im using codeblock 8.02 in Ubuntu 10.04 ) #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for isaacjun16
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

I'm trying to write an echo like thing doing this : [CODE]> echo Muffins Muffinst > echo two muffins two muffins[/CODE] The problem Is that the program isn't being started from command line, The > is my programs input prompt (trying to write a very simple command line) How would …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for daryll1

Hi, I'm having a major problem with passing GCC link flags in Xcode. I created a C program that creates and runs a neural network using the FANN library. When I compile this command line I use the command [CODE]gcc main.c -o train_test -l fann[/CODE] to link the fann library …

Member Avatar for Epicurus

I've created a new class called BulletList2(linked list) using the built in dialog(File>New Class) which created a header file called bulletlist.h (in project folder>include) and a source file called bulletlist2.cpp(in project folder > src). header file [CODE=c++]#ifndef BULLETLIST2_H #define BULLETLIST2_H class BulletList2 { [...] } #endif // BULLETLIST2_H [/CODE] In …

Member Avatar for Epicurus
Member Avatar for Triarius

Hi! I have recently started using linux and I was recommended gcc compiler. I have written a basic program just to see if it works. And it doesn't. I am trying to compile it with Terminal, and with the following command :[CODE]gcc ~/Desktop/C++/test.cpp -o testing)[/CODE] My program it responds with: …

Member Avatar for Triarius
Member Avatar for sDJh

Hello altogether, I am supposed to work through a project written in C++ and QT for Windows platforms. Now I am not an expert in window-related stuff. I installed MinGW 3.4.5 and QTSDK on Win XP SP3. I am using the tool "qmake" to create a makefile with all dependecies …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for babis87

Hello! I am making a program which does many computations for a Photovoltaic system. The problem is that i get a strange segmentation fault error when I run the program. Here is where it crushes (at for-loop of calculation S5) : [CODE] commands..... ... ... /******************** WIRING *******************************/ Ni = …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for raigs

[CODE]myuser@linux:~/Desktop$ gcc -nostdlib -Wl,-dynamic-linker,/home/myuser/Desktop/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2,-rpath,/home/myuser/Desktop libc.so.6 libgcc_s.so.1 simple.c myuser@linux:~/Desktop$ ldd a.out linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffbf5ff000) libc.so.6 => /home/myuser/Desktop/libc.so.6 (0x00007f308b7ae000) libgcc_s.so.1 => /home/myuser/Desktop/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f308b598000) /home/myuser/Desktop/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 => /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f308bb11000) myuser@linux:~/Desktop$ [/CODE] Which ld is being used, the one on the Desktop or the one in /lib64 ? What options do I have to use …

Member Avatar for virtue

Hi, I can not create executable code by using a makefile.How can I generate the executable code.I wrote this lines into my makefile and in the terminal I wrote make but I can not do it.Please help me. myprog : myprog.o mylibrary.o gcc myprog.o mylibrary.o -o myprog myprog.o : myprog.c …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for rajeevpareek

Hi, I am trying to pass a string to a MACRO using -D option in gcc. I am not getting desired output, below is snippet, please let me know what I am missing. $ gcc -o finame -D CORE="op1_log.txt" finame.c [CODE] #define STR(x) x int main() { FILE *fp; char …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for jugadengg

hi could anybody guide me how could i install latest version of GCC on my window 7 computer. thanx!

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for yuri1969

Hi, I have prolly very noobish question. I compile my program separately with GCC by: [CODE]gcc -O2 -Wall -c foo.c[/CODE] I just wat to ask if there is a chance to specify the output destination of [B]foo.o[/B] file. Now the output is forwarded to the makefile dir. Thank you for …

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The End.