137 Topics

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I have an html form which brings up an input box, which is this <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Browse</title> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="../../style/Browse.css"> </head> <body> <form> <form name="input" action="Browsing.php" method="post"> Search <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </form> </body> </html> Then I have a …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I am trying to join two database tables, the tables are set up like this, This is table fgusers3, which stores my users login information. id_user name email phone_number username password confirmcode 1 Bob bob@email 000000 bob1 bobby 12345 This is table videos, which stores my users video upload information. …

Member Avatar for garyjohnson
Member Avatar for baig772

I have the following table structure of my db: * tbl_project * tbl_employee * tbl_deliverable * user_to_deliverable as tbl_prjct and tbl_deliverable has 1-many relation, tbl_employee and tbl_deliverable have many-many relation so they are splited into user_to_deliverable table All i want is that a query to show project_name(from tbl_project), project's deliverables …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for JerrodYoung

ok, I have what I hope is an easy problem to fix. i'm try to query a db, store to a temp table, and then query the same db, inner joined with first query. please help. I'm currently getting "access cant find table/query" error. I've tried putting quotes around tmp, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Sometimes we want to tackle some problem specifying properties of sequence of numbers consisting the integer. Then it is usefull to have function to join many integers to make a long integer. Most efficient way for tight loops is to stay in integers domain and not go through the string …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for strongpot

Hello all, I'm hoping you can help me with my first search engine/join query. I have 3 tables with differing numbers of coulumns - clients, projects and tasks. Table "clients" with the columns "cid", "client" and "date" Table "projects" with the columns "pid", "cid", "projects" and "date" Table "tasks" with …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello people. I am a security analyst from a computer security solution company. I am handling a project where an entreprise of 50 to 100 employee which requires an Active Directory to maintain their staff in the LAN network. So my team and I have deplyoed an active directory for …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, I have three table ->PatientDetails ->ParentDetails ->InsuranceDetails -Patient id is the common column in all the three tables... While saving the data in table using VB.Net there is a column in PatientDetails i.e. Insured If the patient is insured then only the values from text boxes and the …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi all I have following table structure [CODE] pk_cat_id(int) cat_name(varchar) cat_desc(text) fk_cat_id(int) [/CODE] table is self related as one to many i want to select cat_name, cat_desc and parent_cat_name() i.e. from fk_cat_id, how i can get cat_name

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for Biiim

Hi thought i'd try here see if anyone can help solve this quicker. First off we have a email database. The main table is the email data, all unique rows per email address with a unique id. eg. emailid,email 1,email@example.com 2,email@example.co.uk Next we have another table which logs the data …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for pwolf

The exercise says the following: """ Pairwise comparision of DNA sequences is a popular technique used in Bioinformatics. It usually involves some scoring scheme to express the degree of similarity. Write a function that compares two DNA sequences based on the following scoring scheme: +1 for a match, +3 for …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Benjip

I'm stumped as to why this might be happening. A website I had completed for a client over a year ago, was working fine until a couple of days ago when the web host went and moved the site onto a new server without warning any of their customers (myself …

Member Avatar for Benjip
Member Avatar for reinere

I have two tables that I'm using in this query. We'll call the first one "userGroups" and the second "links". I've included their structure below. I have one system that is running an older version of MySQL, and I also have a system running a newer version. Older Version: 5.0.91-community-log …

Member Avatar for reinere
Member Avatar for mohamedasif18

Hi guyz,, I have 2 table like, [B]table1[/B] [B]Name[/B], [B]Number[/B] Gates 123456789 Bill 987456321 John 874123658 Peter 562314752 [B]table2[/B] [B]Number[/B], [B]Message[/B] 123456789 Hai hello 874123658 Gudmorning 123456789 Something Went 123456789 verY Nice morning 562314752 Hai spidy.. My Question is how to select all records from table 2 and also i …

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Member Avatar for _neo_

Hi folk. Can I use join() method in implementation of run(), like this: [CODE] public class MyThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { int timeout = 30000; // here is some heavy work join(timeout); } } [/CODE] Is above thread terminated after timeout milliseconds if task takes longer …

Member Avatar for _neo_
Member Avatar for bflack

Hello guys, [CODE] <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; echo 'under profile.php'; $username=$_SESSION['username']; //I think i have to put a query here like "SELECT username FROM accntinfos WHERE username='$username'". But confused since if I do there would be two queries $query="SELECT userprofile.profpic FROM userprofile INNER JOIN accntinfos ON accntinfos.accntnum=userprofile.accntnum"; $result=mysql_query($query, $DBconnect); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($result); ?> …

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Member Avatar for mavrick4sky

SELECT * , 3956 *2 * ASIN( SQRT( POWER( SIN( ( 122.4058 - ABS( dest.lat ) ) * PI( ) /180 /2 ) , 2 ) + COS( 122.4058 * PI( ) /180 ) * COS( ABS( dest.lat ) * PI( ) /180 ) * POWER( SIN( ( 37.7907 - …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for Stickie

Hi, My name is stefan and I've been trying to develop a php/mysql based CRM for private use. I've stumbled upon a problem a few days ago and I just can't figure it out, so if you could help me, I'd really appreciate it. The problem is the following: I …

Member Avatar for PsychicTide
Member Avatar for iamthesgt

In going through some homework, I was able to do some of the problems, but not others. For example, one problem was "Produce a list of employee last name, first name, job function, department name and department location. Use appropriate, user friendly column aliases." I finished this with this code: …

Member Avatar for iamthesgt
Member Avatar for qwertpink

dear all i have 2 tables, one is project table and another replies table. [ICODE]"SELECT * FROM project, replies WHERE replies.member_id=$_SESSION[member_id] AND project.project_id=replies.project_id ORDER BY project.project_id "; [/ICODE] the above code gives me all , but I need the latest updated replied in each project id I tried [CODE]SELECT * …

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Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I got one table as the tblMasterData then I left join it with another table like this tblEventAlert. So what I want to do if there is a match between tblMasterData and tblEventAlert then for that tblEventAlert I would like to match it with tblDevice to to get …

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Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hai , I have 2 tables 1. [B]Transport_Details [/B]having columns user_id FareStageId StartDate EndDate and 2. [B]Route_Fee [/B]having columns FareStageId monthId fees I need to get a monthwise list by passing monthid. But my problem is that , if start date and enddate of a user are 02-08-2011 and 20-02-2012 …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for ppetree

OK, I have a table that has: id (int), name (varchar), parent (int) If parent contains NULL it IS the "parent" otherwise it is the child of a parent So: id=1 name=Meals parent=0 Means the above record is a "parent" (there are 100's of parents). So far, so good? Next …

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Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, This has always confused me to no end and now that I really need a JOIN I need to get this. I am working with a small blogging section of my site here. In one table I have "blogs" and another table I have "comments". My comments table …

Member Avatar for leakbali
Member Avatar for AngieS

I am trying to create a plant reference guide where the customer can grab plant description from one table (findplantsdb) and the availability from another table (plantsdb). I am new to PHP and I think I am close, but what is happening is that the plant description is coming up, …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for b89smith

I have a table with entries for different accounts and each account has different products listed in it with a date next to each entry. An example of the structure is below. Account | Product | Holding | Date A1 | Car1 | 2 | 2010-12-31 A1 | Car2 | …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for bhob

hey guys, i have a query wherein one table has the same id as the other using inner join.. SELECT c.cat_name, g.maxscore, g.description FROM grp_performance INNER JOIN category ON g.cat_id = c.cat_id Is it possible to use inner join when deleting a row? like.. DELETE FROM grp_performance INNER JOIN category …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for sagive

hey guys.. i have trying for 2 weeks now to connect 2 tables in the way that i need them to print out.. [B]to understand the table structure please see attachment 001[/B] Now... i have managed to join both table but the problem is that each time i insert a …

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Member Avatar for jkon

There must be a better way… Hello all, I am now designing a new data structure and I faced this problem that I am going to describe making me think that maybe I should redesign it. Maybe the solution is in front of my eyes, and please if you have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for unika010690

i have two dbf that should write in excel file,,ive already done writing on the first table my problem is how can i join the other table from the other but theyre not going to combine,,first table id in the upper part and the second table is in lower part,,


The End.