137 Topics

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Member Avatar for cacoyle

basically i have a table which has different branch names recorded in the same column as other data. I cannot change how the data comes in so i have to find a way of extracting and matching data from this column. eg +---------+---------------------+------+------------+--------+ | Company | Branch | Tml | …

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Member Avatar for debow

Hello all, I'll try to explain what I'm wanting to do the best way I can. I have an event_results table that contains multiple athlete id's and for each athlete they are tied to an event in the same table. The screen shots should help explain. I also created a …

Member Avatar for debow
Member Avatar for Charls Frdinand

Hello everyone! This is my first post, been a long time reader though. First of all, it's been a while since I don't program and I'm rusty (very). The problem is: I just can't learn how to use the JOIN or UNION commands, everything I read is confusing. I'm simply …

Member Avatar for Charls Frdinand
Member Avatar for aceriker

Hi guys, I'm fairly new to PHP and mySQL, using a book to help me learn. I want to create a small site to help me improve my skills, but I'm a bit stuck on the database design part. I want to be able to list various public companies and …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for griswolf

I need to keep track of the status for a person who registers for an event. This is going to be part of a tool that is administered by non-programmers. Various events will have different sets of status values, and it is possible for several events with distinct or overlapping …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for simonsayz27

I don't know what in the world I'm doing wrong but I'm sick of staring at my screen and debugging over and over again. It's been a while since I've used C++ so I'm a bit rusty. I'm working on a database project that is supposed to implement a hash …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for ss.jatinmehta

I have one join query with 3 tables, which takes lot's of time to execute. I need to reduce execution time i.e., optimize it [code] QUERY: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating, 0 AS prodgroupdiscount, pi.* , (IF(p.prodname='gold', 10000, 0) + IF(p.prodcode='gold', 10000, 0) + ((MATCH (ps.prodname) AGAINST ('gold')) * …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hi there, I'm trying to compare 2 arrays at the moment. There are 2 tables, the first (Category) holds a list of categories, e.g. Electricians, Plumbers, Builders and each has an ID number. The second table (Company) is a list of companies e.g. JonTheElectrician, GaryThePlumber and of course BobTheBuilder. Each …

Member Avatar for baseballfury
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Everybody, I have used inner join with two tables to join them and tried to calculate the sum of rows. Now the table descriptions are- Table1- agent_business_collection (it stores business collection of an agent of different business packages) Table2 - agent_business_commission (it stores commission of an agent against different …

Member Avatar for woodsrr
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have a query which i run to give me the monthly amount of money that needs to get loaded to our consultants cards. Our system has changed and I need to get the same data but differently The query needs to join three tables consultants,voucher,gift_cards. The only difficulty …

Member Avatar for afrofish

Hi All, I am trying to convert the following access update query into TSQL without any luck: UPDATE tblCattle INNER JOIN tblFarmDetails ON tblCattle.strEartag = tblFarmDetails.EarTagNo SET curMartPrice = tblFarmDetails.MartPric WHERE (curMartPrice=0 Or curMartPrice Is Null); First I tried simply pasting in the query with no luck so below is …

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Member Avatar for jasystweb

I'm not quite sure how to do this join: Table1: Products -------------------------- Prod_ID | Prod_Name | etc Table2: Images --------------------------- IMG_ID | Prod Name | Prod_ID | [CODE] Select Prod_ID, Count(i_Prod_ID) from tblImages right join tblProducts on tblProducts.Prod_ID = tblImage.i_Prod_ID [/CODE] Does not produce what I need..... The desired end …

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Member Avatar for aigoo_myself

hi I'm really new to c# but i really don't know how to do this! well I have a table customer with a customer_no as a primary key. I have a second table named order and it customer_no is one of its primary key. What I want to do is …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bobbymoir

i have some problems with mysql database query and its as below : Tables : i) departments id department description ii) farmers id name sex address age category remarks iii) scientists id departmentid name remarks iv) scientistvisits id scientistid farmerid datevisited purpose remarks Here, i want the query of number …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, I need to create procedure which takes 1 variable as input. The datas are frm diff tables, I have done it using joins, Now, i need to call them thru just select statements.. is it possible, if yes, wats the way to do so...

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for robdiablo

Hi and thanks for letting me post my question here. I'm trying to create a select statement based on the following conditions, but first, let me visualize the tables. These have been created to give you an idea of the content of the tables but are not the actual values, …

Member Avatar for vankysrox
Member Avatar for andym67

I need a bit of help with a mysql join query. I have tried and tried and keep getting unhelpful errors. I have two mysql tables: friends: friend1 INT friend2 INT members: member_id INT name varchar lname varchar Basically I want to loop through friends and find all records where …

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The End.