155 Topics

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Member Avatar for NoMoreRobots

I'm currently trying to learn OpenGL with the use of GLFW and the Addison Wesley book 'OpenGL Programming guide 7th edition'. Here is one of the first sample programs they present, it is meant to draw a white box. In this example I mixed it with a simple glfw window …

Member Avatar for NoMoreRobots
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

Hi, I have drawn a human face using simple shapes such as big circle for the face, little circles for the eyes, lines for eyebrows and triangle for the nose. I have been asked to create a template for various expressions of the face (fear, happiness, disgust, etc). Once I'm …

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Member Avatar for c++_fem

Hi, Does anyone know how to animate object so it follows a previously drawn spline? I tried by translating all object vertices by Spline_point[i]-Spline_point[i-1] by frames but this doesn't work. Does anyone have a better idea?

Member Avatar for c++_fem
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

I drew a circle to represent a human face. I am drawing an arc to represent the mouth but I am having troubling positioning it in the right place. I have checked the value of x and y in the computation of the arc but can't seem to figure out …

Member Avatar for BoBok2002
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am still having major trouble with my openGL model program. The big issue is that I cannot figure out how to debug it since I am saving the important data to the graphics chip using vertex buffer objects (VBOs) so at least as far as I can tell, I …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

I am working on an assignment for school and i seem to be having some issues. I am using OpenGl with free glut, and attempting to animate a pendulum. I can draw out the pendulum, but cannot determine how to make it swing. I have to make it swing from …

Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Really quick question (I hope) before I buy Maya I want to know if it has the option of exporting coordinates for triangle vertexes rather than images. If it doesn't, is there software that would allow for modeling while exporting vertexes for 3d triangles?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am still unable to get OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects to work. I will just show you the code I have written so far: 3dglgui.h (I think this should be fine): [CODE]#ifndef CLASS_NAME #define CLASS_NAME "OpenGL Windows Class"//This can be overwritten to specify a unique class name #endif //Header Guards …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi All! I'm try to make a game in C++ with OpenGl. So far i've programmed the sprite and the platform. the next thing is to create a AI bot who will try to kill you in the game. but I've got the most bisarr problem with that: The AIBot …

Member Avatar for emorjon2
Member Avatar for venomxxl

Ok, first of all, I'm not sure if this belongs to C section. Since WinAPI is written in C, I'll post here. I'm using OpenGL with Win32 windows (not sure how to call that). I can't switch to fullscreen mode after creating the window. I'm using Windows 7 (64-bits) and …

Member Avatar for venomxxl
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

When I try to call wglMakeCurrent, I get an access violation. My program only runs in one thread and one window, and I've got a valid device context and rendering context, I can't see what the problem is. I'm using VC++ 2010 and am running Widows 7 64-bit. [code=c++] static …

Member Avatar for sudhanshu2

I have written a code but I am getting run time error : I have introduced all the error functions , but no error comes . Debug it with gdb which says : Starting program: /home/sudhanshu/OpenGL_ES/example/cube/cube [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Program exited normally. What is the problem I am …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have reinstalled my compiler successfully (finally) and got right back to work. I have created a glModel class as follows: [CODE]class glModel { private: int numv; int numn; unsigned int model; unsigned int textu; unsigned int norma; float *vars; float *norm; public: glModel():numv(0),numn(0){vex=new float[1];tex=new float[1];nex=new float[1];} glModel& Vertex(float tx, …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for lordvoldemort

Hey I am a real amateur and I am trying to teach myself and I have been following the tutorials at [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJGqalveGmM[/url] and I am just not able to get it to work, any help would be greatly appreciated. This is the error I am getting, I have been doing …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I have a question and I apologize if it is too newbish. I have been for a while now trying to learn OpenGL but I cannot understand how its coordinate systems works. I know coordinate geometry as I did some math long ago as well as equations (linear, polynomial …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jamesl22

Hi, I am writing a game in C++ and OpenGL. My whole environment is based on cubes so I guessed bounding box collisions were best. I can currently move around and my program is detecting collisions (I used this tutorial: [url]http://www.3dcodingtutorial.com/Collision-Detection/Collision-Boxes.html[/url]). Now I want to make it so that when …

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I decided to post this problem in a new thread. I have a simple program in OpenGL and it doesn't work. What happens is that a transparent window forms and when you hit the 'X' it says that the Release of the Device Context and Rendering Context failed. Here is …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Khoanyneosr

So I'm learning OpenGL on my own and I have to say I'm really liking it. I really have not been able to do much, you'd laugh if i told you how much i knew but are there any real techniques for drawing shapes? I'm having trouble trying to figure …

Member Avatar for n.cramp
Member Avatar for Kontext

I am currently writing a program that uses OpenGL and so it uses the include file: #include <GL/glut.h> Now when I try to compile and run the program I get this message in the error folder: "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'glut': No such file or directory" Lastly, …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Hey guys, I just started to try and use OpenGL and I wanted to run an example but I get linker errors. The code is just fine but it has linker errors says the console. Linker Errors/Console: [CODE] [Linker error] undefined reference to `glFinish@0' [Linker error] undefined reference to `wglSwapBuffers@4' …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for woofers

hello, I am new to clutter (and pyclutter). I have been trying to use pyclutter. I haven't found any good tutorial for it so far. I mean nothin that really explains properly. I saw a couple of example programs but when I tried to use pyclutter I dint get any …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for OpenSDL

Hi! I have a problem with SDL and OpenGL. I wrote a code to convert SDL Surfaces to OpenGL textures. Now I have a function to Draw a rect(with opengl) on a SDL_Surface. That's the code to draw a rect: [CODE] void DrawRect(SDL_Rect *rect, GLuint texture) { float x = …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for daniel955

I am using VS2008 with TaoFramework's freeglut and OpenGl Can someone help me? I always get "CallbackOnCollectedDelegate" error when I apply this rotation and scaling with mouse and timer on my 3D Tetris game project, but if I don't apply timer the scale and rotate will be out of control.... …

Member Avatar for Gh0st93

I was running a game I wrote in python with pygame on my Mac 10.6 machine and I notice this Warning. "Warning once: This application, or a library it uses, is using NSQuickDrawView, which has been deprecated. Apps should cease use of QuickDraw and move to Quartz." So does anyone …

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Member Avatar for daniel955

Hi, C# in VS2008 using Tao.Freeglut and Tao.OpenGl I am required to create a 3d Tetris game. I have a menu named BuildMenu [CODE=C#] private static void BuildMenu(){ submenu1 = Glut.glutCreateMenu(selectMessage); Glut.glutAddMenuEntry("New Game(N)", 1); Glut.glutAddMenuEntry("Reset(R)", 2); Glut.glutAddMenuEntry("Quit(Q)", 3); Glut.glutAttachMenu(Glut.GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON); } [/CODE] using these code I can make a menu pop …

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for takken1

I am trying to create 2 different rendering windows using OpenGL. My code looks like: [CODE]void display1(){...} void display2(){...} void init(){... //some declarations and function calls pertaining to display2} int main(){ glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize(1024,512); glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); glutCreateWindow("Window 1"); glutDisplayFunc(display1); glutPositionWindow(520,20); glutCreateWindow("Window 2"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(display2); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }[/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for DaSpirit

I am using Visual C++ Express Edition on Windows, and I am look at the windows task manager and I noticed that every second, in the process tab the memory of my C++ program increases about 8 K when I am not even doing anything. Also, I've noticed that if …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for louiscos77

Hi guys, I'm planning to make a car game & for that I'll use Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 for programming, directX 10 for the graphics, & Nvidia PhysX engine for the physics. The problem is that I can't find any tutorial of directX and Nvidia PhysX, I only find of …

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Member Avatar for stemiros

Hi, I need some help with OpenGL and rotation. I have a 3D door surrounded by a holder. The holder needs to move with the door and rotate when it's not on the floor. After that the door must be able to open without affecting the holder. It's based on …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for xikkub

Using GLUT, moving my mouse in the display window causes the animation to increase in speed. When running at an initial 60fps, moving the mouse causes the animation to accelerate and increase to 1000fps. My data might be wrong, but there is definitely a timing issue. I've tried implementing a …

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The End.