155 Topics

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Member Avatar for kdcorp87

i convert some opengl code from visual c++ 2006 to visual c++ 2010 i mean visual studio framework. problem is in visual studio 10 they r running but mainloop is not working, i mean windows r supposed to wait for key input but it shows and gone at instant. no …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for inquisitivemind

Hi All, I am working on a graphics project which involves simplification of images using triangle decimation. I am coding along the lines of [url]http://mgarland.org/software/qslim.html[/url] and [url]http://jsomers.com/vipm_demo/meshsimp.html[/url]. The problem is that for the ply file that i have and the implementation that i did, there are small triangles spewed across …

Member Avatar for LeeZH

Heya, I just wanted some help with using vertex arrays. I wrote a Q3BSP map loader and this is the code that does the rendering, and it works as intended: [code=c++]glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); for (int i = 0; i < curFace.meshVertexCount; i++) { int meshIndex = meshvertices[curFace.meshVertexOffset + i].offset; glVertex3fv(vertices[curFace.vertexOffset + meshIndex].position); …

Member Avatar for LeeZH
Member Avatar for ramziabuabad

i write a function in c++ that take the name of obj file ... can you help me by tell9ing me how to read data using "in" and why his problem occur

Member Avatar for caelt

I'm really frustrated right now because I've been looking all over the web on how to set up OpenGL to work with Microsoft Visual C++, but it seems like each website I find wants me to do something different. I feel like I'm missing something here...like I'm overcomplicating it. I …

Member Avatar for PsychoLogic
Member Avatar for daniel955

[URL=http://img690.imageshack.us/i/12946613.jpg/][IMG]http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/7592/12946613.jpg[/IMG][/URL] why is there a hole in my cube when I rotate it like this? colors: front side is red back side is white left side is blue right side is green top side is yellow bottom is teal

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for sDanyal

I have installed windows 7 which has a built-in intel graphics media accelerator. But there is no option available to check and change its properties. So the problem is that i am building a 3D game in OpenGL but when i run it a message appears that this program has …

Member Avatar for Valaraukar
Member Avatar for vannyn

Hi to all! I want to write a c# application that plays an audio/video AVI file, and shows in overlay an aplha rectangle realtime generated (from a serial port). I'd like stability and good performance and i'm evaluating various libraries (EgmuCV, DirectShow, WMP,...) but i've not decided yet. Please someone …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for shrublet

Hello, all! :) Let me preface this by saying that I am a computer science student with only a rudimentary introduction to C++ so far, having worked mainly in Java up until now. I apologize if this is an overly simplistic question. A relative of mine has asked me to …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for epicasian

Hello all, My question is, when using Visual Studio, and compiling this piece of code: [code] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_OPENGL); SDL_WM_SetCaption("OpenGL Awesomeness", NULL); //run time error here SDL_Event event; while(event.type != SDL_QUIT) { SDL_PollEvent(&event); RenderScene(); SetupRC(); SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); SDL_Delay(60); } SDL_Quit(); return 0; } …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for Hand

Hello. I have started to learn OpenGL in C/C++ and I want to use 2D graphics. My operating systems are Windows XP and Linux (Ubuntu). How do I load a image from a file and draw it on screen? My image files are png and jpg. Can I write a …

Member Avatar for joshalb
Member Avatar for fpsasm

Hi, I know that there are a lot of webpages devoted in telling me how the OpenGL mouse function works, but I still don't understand. What I need to know, when my: [CODE] void processMouse( int button, int state, int x, int y){ ... } [/CODE] Returns x,y. What does …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for AkashL

I have heard you can efficiently use your GPU to do fast floating point calculations. This can be done using OpenGL but you may have to use the library in an unorthodox way or graphics card toolkits such as CUDA (by nVidia) which I guess is Graphics card specific. Does …

Member Avatar for 0x69
Member Avatar for AkashL

I have heard you can efficiently use your GPU to do fast floating point calculations. This can be done using OpenGL but you may have to use the library in an unorthodox way or graphics card toolkits such as CUDA (by nVidia) which I guess is Graphics card specific. Does …

Member Avatar for Jamesbch

Hello everyone, I'm working on my game project and my aim is now to produce the interface part. I've found that there is an easy way to produce some text on the screen with [I]glutBitmapCharacter[/I] and it's working quite well except the font choice is a little bit restrictive. So …

Member Avatar for Jamesbch
Member Avatar for sfuo

So far I have written a program that draws text to the screen and I am able to change the font type but I am unable to change the font size. Here are the 3 main parts of my code that I think you need to see. Font structure: [CODE]typedef …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for n.cramp

Hi all, having a bit of trouble with getting OpenGL picking to work in Win32. Note that pretty much the exact code works in GLUT, though i suspect that the reason i cant get it to work in Win32 is that it is not clear exactly how GLUT handles windowing …

Member Avatar for guptas

hi, i am new to OpenGL. Soon i have to do a college project on this platform so i decided to learn open GL. while working with glui i am facing some problems. i downloaded glui-2.36. I thought of starting with the example1 (code added at bottom of the post) …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Chaos3737

Please help with my C++ OpenGL code! I am trying to make a simple game in OpenGL with C++ (my first). The issue I'm having is that the WSAD keys move the sphere AND the cube. Since the goal of the game is going to be to get points by …

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for sfuo

So far I have written a program that draws text to the screen and I am able to change the font type but I am unable to change the font size. Here are the 3 main parts of my code that I think you need to see. Font structure: [CODE]typedef …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for epicasian

I'm looking for a good introductory book for 2D OpenGL Game Programming. The only books on OpenGL I've seen were on 3D. Does anyone know of a good 2D OpenGL Book? Thanks in advance, EpicAsian

Member Avatar for epicasian
Member Avatar for buffonomics

Is it possible to programmatically determine the currently installed graphics driver in windows, Mac, or Linux? methinks to check the system registry for windows. If so, where and what about the other OS? Major props to anyone who can answer this one :P Thanks

Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

Hi there, i have this rectangle and i want to be able to rotate this shape around another when i press a key. i have been able to make it rotate where it is. There are two problems i am having difficulties with: - I can get the shape to …

Member Avatar for thehivetyrant
Member Avatar for Hawkpath

Alright guys, I have a really weird error here. I'm programming a program that lets you specify the red, green, and blue components then stores them in arrays and uses the colors when drawing shapes. The program worked perfectly until about five minutes ago. Nothing affecting that specific part of …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for rahul8590

I have been working with opengl for past 2 months and find in very difficult to manage with it . The actual code for rendering the image is very less , compared to the code written to handle the view and other opengl attributes / controls. Is there any library …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for cedrikkk

I have the problem that pygame.image.save won't save a transparency channel. With one .png image, it simply doesn't save the transparency channel. With plenty of other .png images, it gives me an error when I call pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(newSurface). It tells me: ValueError: unsupported colormasks for alpha reference array. Anyone have experience …

Member Avatar for bobsta

I am trying to render a very simple scene by loading various parameters from a file (MLC.txt) When compiling I receive the following error main.cpp: In function ‘void renderScene()’: main.cpp:77: error: ‘pBeam’ was not declared in this scope H

Member Avatar for bobsta
Member Avatar for gingerfish

Hello, i am a total newbie to jogl and java and i'm trying to use new JOGL package that consists: javax.media.opengl.*; when i write a code on netbeans, it doesnt show any error, but when i run the program the following error appears in the console: [COLOR="Red"] run: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/gluegen/runtime/DynamicLookupHelper …

Member Avatar for gingerfish

How to make so the new and old JOGL packages both work? :?: thanks :icon_cheesygrin:

Member Avatar for revski

hi i am using delphi 2009. i am looking to have a grid on the form, and draw a 2D shape from lines on that grid and have it rotate around a central point. first of all i would like to ask what would be the best method to do …

Member Avatar for m610

The End.